Welcome Home TIM

As the Owner of TruckNet UK … and a truck driver ,

welcome home

happy christmas to both of you

Happy christmas to the both of you, i bet your just glad its over with and can be home.

P.S Look forward to seeing you posting on trucknet :wink:

welcome home :smiley: :smiley:

must be the best xmas present in the world :wink:


welcome home Tim, the nightmare is now over

happy christmas to you both

A result at last

posted by fgt on pda

Good luck to Tim

posted on cx

Congrats to all involved, and best wishes to Tim and Sue for the future

posted on pda by bigger birdie

I’m sure we’re all happy that Tim will be home for Xmas. Well done everyone involved. It is good to see justice at last.

Allison Pell AKA Allikat

Congratulations Tim and best wishes to you both :slight_smile:

let’s get the others home…

ONE out(thank god)


have a great christmas Tim you deserve it!

Congratulations Tim :smiley: :smiley: Welcome Home!
Best wishes for the future to you and Sue.

:laughing: Congratulations and merry christmas, what a change it makes to hear good news and what good news it is. :laughing:

: :laughing: Happy, Extatic you name it and we were it yesterday when you telephoned me with the news. Just take one day at a time and enjoy being together again.
I am hoping we can get more of the men home soon where they belong.

Tim is now a free man and we are all overjoyed at that but he has still had his truck consficated and a fine of €250 for something he is not guilty of

:slight_smile: I spoke to Sue tonight, Tim was not released until lunchtime today. The greeks had lost a document for release and Tim had to spend the night in a police holding cell. This is the usual ploy in all these countries I have found especially those heading out toward the Eastern Bloc. As for the truck being confiscated, that again is usual, whether you are innocent or guilty, but hey, what price is freedom? especially in a prison in Greece, Turkey ,Albania , Bulgaria, Morocco or Russia. The french,spanish, italian or belgian prisons are like 5 star hotels compared to the others.
Sue has said she will contact people later, at the moment she and Tim need to be together with their family to spend some quality time together. I hope we can all take this on board and let them get to know each other again in the peace of their home.
I know they are aware of all our good wishes for them.