The future they have planned for you and why

The problem with the new world order is that us plebs don’t know what shape it’s planned to take, the reason we don’t know the plan is because we arn’t part of it other than to be used and once no longer of use then what?

What we know from history throughout is that serfs didn’t enjoy the lifestyle of those who owned them, do the modern day serfs (the working and pseudo middle classes) think that the glorious new future of fantastic wealth travel and luxury is planned to include them? they’ll still be the serf class just won’t be a many of them as now.

I just wish people were a little more thoughtful before so eagerly going along with everything that the favoured scientists and those currently running the country (many other countries too) come up with as we welcome in the means of total control surveillance and compliance, the powers that be offer a solution with DePfeffels solemn promise of jam in 3 weeks if only you’ll do this (whatever that day’s instruction might be), 3 weeks later you discover boris liar was as usual lying.

Take for example the digital ID system coming soon, phased in as the innocent sounding vaccine passport, once you’ve accepted that you’ve started down the road of every aspect of your life being monitored and your future access (China social credit system style) to shopping associations travel work healthcare depending on what the system allows.
There’s footage around of a much younger Johnson vehemently against Blair’s ID card plan from the early noughties, World President Blair’s plan is coming to fruition and under the governance of what was once a conservative party in majority.

People are no longer sleep walking into a totalitarian dystopian nightmare world, they are wide awake and welcoming, clambering over one another to be there first and making pub/holiday/travel/newnormal excuses to themselves, the mass media propaganda over this pandemic…which isn’t a pandemic by any measure…has worked better than they could possibly have imagined.

We’re just over 12 months into the new world order and look at people, cowed fearful controlled hoping things will return to normal, praising the NHS blessed be its name, believing every word our bought by big pharma scientists say (many scientists and medical practitioners who disagree silenced unless on alternative platforms) and our shame faced liar politicians say, their pronouncements and instructions backed up by a mainstream media which has with painfully few exceptions failed in its duty to hold the govt to account…Her Maj’s unfit for purpose opposition having disgracefully given up that task.
How do YOU think the next 9 years of this will end seeing how far they’ve gone in control in this short time.

We are in serious trouble people, the more you go along with the narrative the more power you hand to those wishing to control you, feeding the crocodile in the hope he’ll eat you last isn’t going to help you in the long run, he’ll get round to you and your children, easily replaceble the pleb class, they’ll pick off groups who don’t comply one by one and those who currently comply might even cheer…we’re seeing the start of the split in society where some currently vaccinated wish the unvaccinated to be kept separate or compelled to take the treatment, this is doing the new world order’s task for them, simple divide and rule tactics getting one section of the plebs to put peer pressure on others, that will increase in very short order mark my words.
When those who voice dissent have been silenced one way or another, who’s going to speak up for the next group those in power decide are unwelcome/unwanted, again the appeasers will breathe a sigh of relief, might even help the authorities by pointing out dissenters (wasn’t there something along these lines in the 1930s/40’s in Europe?), but who’s going to speak for you when it’s your turn for their version of the thumbscrews.

new job for you?

The problem with the new world order is that us plebs don’t know what shape it’s planned to take, the reason we don’t know the plan is because we arn’t part of it other than to be used and once no longer of use then what?

It’s clear that the elites suddenly realised that Communism is ( much ) closer to their aims than the direction which 1950’s/60’s America was going.
Getting rid of JFK was the start and this is the end game.
The working life and retirement plan and lifestyle of the average Chinese worker, to keep the elites in luxury, while being told it’s a good deal for him, is as good a clue as any which answers your question.

the nodding donkey:
I’m not sure that a new “world order” is necessarily a bad idea. It cant be much worse than what we have now, and what we have now, is broken and unfit for the future. Capitalism has run out of steam (or rather resource. Capitalism relies on an ever increasing market. That requires an ever increasing population, which is unsustainable, and indefinite resources, which we dont have), and Communism is corrupt.

If you are realistic for a moment, a periodic big reduction in the population has been a fact of life, throughout history. Ice ages, famines,plagues, wars; until the 1950’s, when we had developed the medical skill to keep many more people alive for longer, and created the destructive farming methods to keep them alive.

We can not carry on as we are now.

Is all this orchestrated by a small elite? No, of course not. Covid is real. Not as bad as they make out, but real nonetheless. Has the vaccine got micro chips in it? No, of course not. Has it been properly tested? No, obviously not. Is it safe? Nobody knows yet.

This is, in some ways no different from what happened before. It’s just that global news and the internet give us a much broader picture of what’s going on. There were quacks and nay sayers in the dark ages, just that only their village or neighbours heard them rant and rave… they would have shaken their head, thrown a rotten turnip, and moved on with their lives. What happened was eitherdoen to Gids will, or the local Barons will.

Que sera sera…

A few facts, a bit of false logic, spiced with some prejudice:

Good post Juddian. My simple mantra (which I’ve said here a few times) is “don’t let rich people tell you who you should fear or hate”.

The vaccine being a classic example as apparently it’s no longer enough merely to have the vaccine but now you have to be vocal in your condemnation of those who don’t slavishly follow the narrative.

the maoster:
My simple mantra (which I’ve said here a few times) is “don’t let rich people tell you who you should fear or hate”.

The vaccine being a classic example as apparently it’s no longer enough merely to have the vaccine but now you have to be vocal in your condemnation of those who don’t slavishly follow the narrative.

A good thoughtful ‘mantra’ to keep in mind throughout one’s life, i shall adopt that as one for myself if me learned fiend has no objections.

Carry on my friend.


the maoster:
My simple mantra (which I’ve said here a few times) is “don’t let rich people tell you who you should fear or hate”.

The vaccine being a classic example as apparently it’s no longer enough merely to have the vaccine but now you have to be vocal in your condemnation of those who don’t slavishly follow the narrative.

A good thoughtful ‘mantra’ to keep in mind throughout one’s life, i shall adopt that as one for myself if me learned fiend has no objections.

I don’t think it’s about how rich they are ( JFK v Bill Gates for example ). :bulb:

No one condemns anyone for refusing the flu jab so why the big difference in this case ?.

No one condemns anyone for refusing the flu jab so why the big difference in this case ?.

There’s never been the hype and constant drip drip of propaganda fuelling project fear around the flu jab. It may not (yet) be a illegal not to have the vaccine but by Christ have you ever witnessed passive aggressive coercion such as this we’re being bombarded with now?


the maoster:
My simple mantra (which I’ve said here a few times) is “don’t let rich people tell you who you should fear or hate”.

The vaccine being a classic example as apparently it’s no longer enough merely to have the vaccine but now you have to be vocal in your condemnation of those who don’t slavishly follow the narrative.

A good thoughtful ‘mantra’ to keep in mind throughout one’s life, i shall adopt that as one for myself if me learned fiend has no objections.

Until the public stop following what papers like the scum and the daily fail tell them what to think, they will always be told who to fear.
Murdoch said he was no fan of the EU because when he turns up there no one listens to him…

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the maoster:

No one condemns anyone for refusing the flu jab so why the big difference in this case ?.

There’s never been the hype and constant drip drip of propaganda fuelling project fear around the flu jab. It may not (yet) be a illegal not to have the vaccine but by Christ have you ever witnessed passive aggressive coercion such as this we’re being bombarded with now?

I do agree though if someone doesn’t want the vaccine they shouldn’t be pilloried, unless they want to work with vulnerable people.
I do wonder if said people though when next going into an NHS hospital will demand to scrutinize all the drugs and treatments they are given before accepting.

Sent from my moto g 5G plus using Tapatalk

the maoster:

No one condemns anyone for refusing the flu jab so why the big difference in this case ?.

There’s never been the hype and constant drip drip of propaganda fuelling project fear around the flu jab. It may not (yet) be a illegal not to have the vaccine but by Christ have you ever witnessed passive aggressive coercion such as this we’re being bombarded with now?

You don`t like “passive aggressive” criticism?
Happy :smiley: to correct that for you then:

Are you two equally ■■■■■■■ stupid?
Are you both so thick you can`t see any difference between flu that may kill 10 to 15 thousand people in the UK per annum, in normal conditions; and a virus that has killed over 120 thousand under lockdown and social distancing conditions? A virus that also leaves many others with long term symptoms. :open_mouth:
No need for “hype” at all, the bare figures are enough.

Happy to have explained that to you. Feel free to ask for further explanation whenever you like. :smiley:

Ah bless, the serial conformist/ forum pantie wetter has spoken. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

the maoster:
Ah bless, the serial conformist/ forum pantie wetter has spoken. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Ah yes, a well thought out and reasoned retort!


the maoster:

No one condemns anyone for refusing the flu jab so why the big difference in this case ?.

There’s never been the hype and constant drip drip of propaganda fuelling project fear around the flu jab. It may not (yet) be a illegal not to have the vaccine but by Christ have you ever witnessed passive aggressive coercion such as this we’re being bombarded with now?

You don`t like “passive aggressive” criticism?
Happy :smiley: to correct that for you then:

Are you two equally [zb] stupid?
Are you both so thick you can`t see any difference between flu that may kill 10 to 15 thousand people in the UK per annum, in normal conditions; and a virus that has killed over 120 thousand under lockdown and social distancing conditions? A virus that also leaves many others with long term symptoms. :open_mouth:
No need for “hype” at all, the bare figures are enough.

Happy to have explained that to you. Feel free to ask for further explanation whenever you like. :smiley:

I’d call zb stupidly thick anyone who really doesn’t consider the possibility that this thing came out of a Communist run biotech lab being created for nefarious reasons.Then thinking that fighting fire with gene therapy fire will fix the effects of that on the human body.
Or it’s something even worse regarding Bill Gates’ population reduction plan.
Or possibly a combination of both.

So if anyone decides to give it a miss, which I probably won’t for noble reasons not because I’m too thick to take on board the above explanations, are you saying that your ‘vaccine’ then won’t work for you ?.

Social distancing you mean like can’t go in the pub or shops or travel but two people from different households can sit side by side shoulder to shoulder just as before on a bus and we still have an open door policy to incoming foreign travellers and immigrants. :unamused:

Ah yes, a well thought out and reasoned retort!

As opposed to no answer to the questions if anyone refuses the ‘vaccine’ does that mean that yours won’t work.
Why instruct our own cells to produce the Covid Spike Protein why not just inject it.
Where is the off switch/timer to instruct them to stop when the required anti body response has taken place.
What evidence even shows any lack of an anti body response as being the problem anyway.
As opposed to a self destruct response as would be expected of the reaction to an artificially manipulated ‘virus’ given ‘gain of function’.
Oh wait just like the ‘vaccine’. :unamused:

I do wonder if said people though when next going into an NHS hospital will demand to scrutinize all the drugs and treatments they are given before accepting.

I’d suggest you ‘scrutinize’ ‘Liverpool Pathways’ and the enforced ‘medication’ regime which went/goes with the equally enforced ‘palliative treatment’ regime, before putting 100% trust in the NHS and the medical profession.

And this involves you precisely how?

the maoster:
Ah bless, the serial conformist/ forum pantie wetter has spoken. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

In my world, two plus two normally makes four.
In my world medics plus scientists largely agreeing that there is a nasty virus means there is a nasty virus.
So, if that makes me a conformist, that is fine by me.

It’s the sheer desperation to conform coupled to the total and complete desire to disagree with absolutely anything anyone other than you posts that shapes opinions I’m afraid. Switchlogic once called CF a contrarian. I think he targeted the wrong person.

Edit to add; I don’t actually know why I care tbh. Opinions are like clitorises, half of the population have them and nothing can change that. You carry on my friend, I don’t actually care.