The 5 Word Story

they saw jimmy savile with

There’s nowt wrong with Jimmy Saville coz years ago he fixed it for me to milk a cow blidfolded :open_mouth: :blush:

all his jingle jangle hows …

things going at your end

or better still,my end

effeluntmonkey and Humphrey were high

after they ate wine gums

Jesus had turned water into…

diesel so the diddycoys could

mix it with Domestos and…

go for their yearly shower

so they showered in diesel

to kill all their fleas

Rabbie Burns was still at…

desk composing some more rhymes

and blues while picking his…

haggis and his wee dram

Full stop.

Meanwhile, the python

was trying to get up Jesus’s…

wheelchair,so it could bite

a lump from his knee