Suez Canal blocked

A few puny tugs.

‘Puny’ :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


the maoster:
I’m quite surprised that the vessel owners didn’t simply charter a Lear jet to fly into Leatherhead International Airport and scoop up the worlds foremost expert on, well, everything really. As long as it didn’t involve lifting anything weightier than his passport he’d have had that bad boy floating freely within hours. Instead they’re going to be relying on maritime salvage experts who’s ■■■■■■■■■■ thousands of years of experience will count as nought when compared to that of our resident expert. :wink:

Picture the scene the last 60 something Brit deck hand on the following ship shouts to his Philippino and Indian colleagues in a cockney accent why don’t we get a line or 6 over to the zb and pull it straight.With the win win that we can split our discounted salvage rate. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

It’d be nice if the world was still the simple place where that could happen, but sadly the times they are a changing my friend.


A few puny tugs.

‘Puny’ :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The container ship which was wedged across the Suez Canal is now capsized across the Suez Canal and was flooding anyway caused by serious damage to the stern as in broken away from the rest of the ship.Both the result of a valiant but ultimately flawed have a go attempt at pulling her free by a following ship. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

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Ariel view

Surprised no one has thought of using the Felix tow :laughing:

yes it is late in the day !

Was it a promotion for Sub Lieutenant Leslie Phillips?.
“Left hand down a bit”
Youngsters get busy on Google

Oh what a Lark!

Did the captain of the Costa Concordia get out of prison and back to work?



A few puny tugs.

‘Puny’ :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The container ship which was wedged across the Suez Canal is now capsized across the Suez Canal and was flooding anyway caused by serious damage to the stern as in broken away from the rest of the ship.Both the result of a valiant but ultimately flawed have a go attempt at pulling her free by a following ship. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

I hope makes sense in your head as it’s just fairytale gibberish to me.

Tugs are far from puny.

I hope makes sense in your head as it’s just fairytale gibberish to me.
Tugs are far from puny.

It was a larf directed at Franglais’ comments. :unamused: … tor-memes/


Keep a watchfull eye on the pump prices in the near future.
Apparently, because the Suez Canal is now blocked, no tankers can get through, may even be a shortage at the pumps, yes yes I know, there is a lot in reserve, most of it sitting in the Channel just outside Southampton

Because it is a canal and not open sea, why use tugs? Could land based towing gear be used?
Is it too far to get cables across the canal to opposite bank? There are long cables used to tow rigs at sea aren’t there?
If sand is there no grip? Temporary hardstandings? Land anchors?
How many ballast tractors on land to equal one tug?
Not enough strong points on ship to attach cables? Could multiple smaller points be welded to the exposed keel?
Pile drive shuttering both sides and pump in water to float it off? How many weeks to do ¿300? metres of piles.
What size crane is needed to offload cargo?
20 ton box? 50 metres high? What radius to get access from solid bank or floating barge?
Just do a dredger job around the ends?
Dredgers are closer at hand than any specialized kit and it ain’t rocket science.
Heaviest lift helicopter?
Mil Mi 26 ?
20.000kg. Might shift some boxes?

Just do a dredger job around the ends?
Dredgers are closer at hand than any specialized kit and it ain’t rocket science.

Carryfast, is that you my love?


Just do a dredger job around the ends?
Dredgers are closer at hand than any specialized kit and it ain’t rocket science.

Carryfast, is that you my love?

Note the extensive use of question marks.
They are not merely for decoration.


Because it is a canal and not open sea, why use tugs? Could land based towing gear be used?
Is it too far to get cables across the canal to opposite bank? There are long cables used to tow rigs at sea aren’t there?
If sand is there no grip? Temporary hardstandings? Land anchors?
How many ballast tractors on land to equal one tug?
Not enough strong points on ship to attach cables? Could multiple smaller points be welded to the exposed keel?
Pile drive shuttering both sides and pump in water to float it off? How many weeks to do ¿300? metres of piles.
What size crane is needed to offload cargo?
20 ton box? 50 metres high? What radius to get access from solid bank or floating barge?
Just do a dredger job around the ends?
Dredgers are closer at hand than any specialized kit and it ain’t rocket science.
Heaviest lift helicopter?
Mil Mi 26 ?
20.000kg. Might shift some boxes?

It’s not grounded at the stern it’s run head on into the right side bank.

Somehow I don’t think dredgers let alone a 360 excavator are going to able to shift enough muck/sand to provide the depth and area of water needed to refloat what looks like much of the weight of the ship that’s resting on the bank.
Look at the plimsoll line.
The thing has been lifted way out ouf the water over most of its length and that’s the amount of weight sitting on the bank and the amount of water it will need to displace to float.

As for hoping that the containers aren’t over 20t gross good luck with that.You could handball the loads out of em first to make sure plenty of willing volunteers here. :smiling_imp:

It’s deffo better than the end of the Italian Job. :open_mouth: :laughing:

Might as well dig a new channel to open the canal for now.While we wait for Michael Caine to think of an idea.

But couldn’t do much worse than pulling it out the reverse way it went in with the power of as many other ships behind it and its own motors if its prop is clear of the bottom as you want.
After a few more months of digging and dredging to at least get some water under it. :wink:

We’re gonna need a bigger boat ( tug ) and plenty of em. :wink: :smiley: … red_to_urs … _tug_fleet


I hope makes sense in your head as it’s just fairytale gibberish to me.
Tugs are far from puny.

It was a larf directed at Franglais’ comments. :unamused: … tor-memes/


Ah apologies. I forgot you were a first rate comedian too

Boss we need a bigger Digger