Seeking date order licence expiry software

Hi, I’m seeking software to load up driver names in column 1 followed in the next 30 columns the qualifications held by the drivers then the expiry dates of the qualifications dropping down the page against the drivers name. This is easy enough but I want the expiry dates of the qualifications to self filter to the top of the sheet as they become due.

This is for a multi utility service company so as you can imaging there are dozens of qualification and induction cards held. Can anyone help?

Sounds like a Macro enabled Excel workbook is all that is needed. When you press the button it sorts by date. Problem comes if you want it to sort it by all the different expiry dates. I find it more helpful to use conditional formatting to highlight soon to expire and expired dates. Makes it easy to tell at a glance what everybody’s status is.

Is this anything like what you’re looking for ?

If you enter the qualification expiry dates under the relevant qualification headers this Excel spreadsheet will automatically sort the expiry dates when the workbook is opened to show the next qualifications to expire at the top of the list on the right of the image.

You can also refresh the list sort order for when you change dates, but if you don’t refresh it they will automatically be ordered the next time the workbook is opened anyway.

I’ve hidden the columns from K to X to make the image smaller.

Hi yes that’s exactly what I’m seeking. Can I find it on a normal computer excel package or has it an excel tittle so I can download it?

Hi yes that’s exactly what I’m seeking. Can I find it on a normal computer excel package or has it an excel tittle so I can download it?

It’s an Excel worksheet I made myself, I’m not registered with any file sharing sites to put it on but if if you PM me an email address I’ll send you a copy.