Sacre bleu monsieur

Le Drain Train :laughing:

I’ve always had visions of the bus falling off a platform when its full of drivers! Seems everyone on those terminals are bad drivers

I’ve always had visions of the bus falling off a platform when its full of drivers! Seems everyone on those terminals are bad drivers

i’ve seen a couple of driver’s fall off the bus and it wasn’t because they were clumsy. :open_mouth: :wink:

m.a.n rules:

I’ve always had visions of the bus falling off a platform when its full of drivers! Seems everyone on those terminals are bad drivers

i’ve seen a couple of driver’s fall off the wagon and it wasn’t because they were clumsy. :open_mouth: :wink:

FTFY :wink:


m.a.n rules:

I’ve always had visions of the bus falling off a platform when its full of drivers! Seems everyone on those terminals are bad drivers

i’ve seen a couple of driver’s fall off the wagon and it wasn’t because they were clumsy. :open_mouth: :wink:

FTFY :wink:

you’ve got my drift :wink:

Should be interesting getting that out with all those cables hanging over it.

Pilote nous avions plus grand que cela en ici …

Pilote nous avions plus grand que cela en ici …


When manoeuvering out in the sticks, an ole country boy called across “boite automatique?”.
I replied, “Oui”, he gave a wry smile and shook his head…

Pilote nous avions plus grand que cela en ici …

Yes, pretty poor attempt at parallel parking :smiley: