Hi Wirralpete nice model mate looks the business, weathering looks spot on !!

Regards Jimski

The tractors been on before but now nearly finished the Sea Route Trailer

Regards Jimski

Some breathtaking models posted, well done!

Some of my meagre efforts of late:

The fleet:

Foden S40:



Hi Scaren’
Brilliant models mate, scratchbuilt models like these have something model kits don’t have cos they have that real personal touch. Love the Dodge Texaco tanker, be nice to see a pic of that in full, & the scrapyard is great, you can feel the atmosphere, only thing missing are the 2 Alsation dogs!
Regards Chris

Hi Chris, thanks very much for your kind comments, I am really glad you like my models. Here is a photo of the Dodge for you, its a scratchbuilt cab sitting onto of a Ford Louisville chassis and a tanker modified from a Kenworth tanker toy (the exhaust is hanging a little low!):

And here is the scrapyard diorama, in 1/76th scale:

If you want to see anymore, find them on my flickr photostream:



Hi Scarren, thanks for the pics, like the Dodge mate, OK the exhaust may be a bit low but the model captures the subject well, I have driven 6 wheeler tankers for Watson Petroleum/Texaco & Flitwick Oil/Esso, just the right set-up for charging round country lanes & farms with! Great scrapyard, thats my kinda place, I can lose myself in that sort of place for hours, Rush Green Motors is the best, last time I went I could have stayed in there for days & just sent out for pizza’s!!!

3 of mine

Here is a pic of my latest model , it is an italeri DAF XF 95 in the livery of owens of llanelli
