Mild depression


Robroy, you need to remember that clinical depression of the kind treated with anti-depressants isn’t something brought on by having a crap life, it’s a chemical imbalance in the brain - an actual medical condition which can be proven by science.

And yet it rarely is.
If I wanted some SSRIs all I have to do is google what to say to the doctor to be diagnosed with the correct mental illness.
Depression is a real thing I accept it. But I dislike how open to interpretation it is.
I personally think they are overused far too much just like ritalin and prozac was on kids only a few years ago.

Some people has been on SSRIs for 20+ years without any diagnosis other then depression. That’s insane to me.

What idiot would want to take anti depressants with the horrible side affects and mind changing attributes because they fancied googling a fake illness ?
Not many ,Nobody wants a lack of serotonin believe me .
A doctor has many tests to prescribe these pills and they are Doctors ,Not google or fantasists .If that guy on tabs for 20 years is feeling fine, he’s been diagnosed correctly .
Are you saying that if you are really depressed you must be diagnosed through a psychiatrist?
You try contacting one ,You will be told to sign in at the local mental health team at the local hospital (probably losing hgv licences etc),And you will wait years for help .That is why local GP’s are qualified to test you
And prescribe low doses ,And then you can be put on a waiting list for proper care if the tabs do not help .
No idiot unless long time scrounger will google a fake illness fgs :laughing:

Talking to a mate once and…

The subject came up concerning stress, fatigue and our own mental health. He just said ‘Prozac’ and carried on sipping his beer. It occured to me back then and coroborates what Lucy has said that some of us are born lucky with no chemical imbalances and some of us aint.

I used to be in the ‘aww pull yerself together’ team but these days if people need help they should seek it. It’s up to the doctors and healthcare teams to assess what should be prescribed to someone who drives for a living.

chemical imbalances are natural as well if your going through a rough patch then your going to have low serotonin levels.
There is nothing medically wrong with you it’s just your body reacting to the situation.

For example Mr Smith is a superhuman he is 100% healthy with no illnesses ever but he loses his kids and wife he may well be considered depressed despite being the best human to have ever lived. Now as Mr Smith feels great on his anti depressants why would he stop using them, they cured him!
So Mr Smith carries on using anti depressants for the rest of his life despite being 100% healthy to begin with.
I suspect there are many situations like this in real life in which therapy is never used which would be best in the long run instead of giving happy pills away like skittles.

Funny thing is if after twenty years Mr Smith wanted to give up anti depressants he would struggle and will truly be depressed due to his body being reliant on anti depressants.



Robroy, you need to remember that clinical depression of the kind treated with anti-depressants isn’t something brought on by having a crap life, it’s a chemical imbalance in the brain - an actual medical condition which can be proven by science.

And yet it rarely is.
If I wanted some SSRIs all I have to do is google what to say to the doctor to be diagnosed with the correct mental illness.
Depression is a real thing I accept it. But I dislike how open to interpretation it is.
I personally think they are overused far too much just like ritalin and prozac was on kids only a few years ago.

Some people has been on SSRIs for 20+ years without any diagnosis other then depression. That’s insane to me.

What idiot would want to take anti depressants with the horrible side affects and mind changing attributes because they fancied googling a fake illness ?
Not many ,Nobody wants a lack of serotonin believe me .
A doctor has many tests to prescribe these pills and they are Doctors ,Not google or fantasists .If that guy on tabs for 20 years is feeling fine, he’s been diagnosed correctly .
Are you saying that if you are really depressed you must be diagnosed through a psychiatrist?
You try contacting one ,You will be told to sign in at the local mental health team at the local hospital (probably losing hgv licences etc),And you will wait years for help .That is why local GP’s are qualified to test you
And prescribe low doses ,And then you can be put on a waiting list for proper care if the tabs do not help .
No idiot unless long time scrounger will google a fake illness fgs :laughing:

Google it yourself and see the thousands of results.
Scores of people go through rough patches then self diagnose themselves with depression and all to often a gp is happy to oblige as long ad they can tick the right boxes.

Nobody wants a lack of serotonin believe me

Everyone suffers from a lack of serotonin at many points in their lives.
I take issue with prolonged use without trying to diagnose the underlying cause.

To paraphrase Jordan Peterston a lobster will feel depressed after it loses a fight with another lobster but if you give that lobster Prozac he will soon be back to his old self.

I just refuse to believe that a serious medical condition that means you can never produce enough serotonin for life can be diagnosed by an hour or two chatting to a doctor.
I’m all for short term use BTW just not long term without therapy or further tests.

BTW I know people on anti depressants and have been on them for years and when I ask them what tests they take they just say they speak to the doctor for a bit.

Is what I’m saying really so outrageous BTW? We are a nation of pill poppers. Kids were given ritalin if they misbehaved in class too much. If you have any issue usually the first answer is too pop a pill. :grimacing:




Robroy, you need to remember that clinical depression of the kind treated with anti-depressants isn’t something brought on by having a crap life, it’s a chemical imbalance in the brain - an actual medical condition which can be proven by science.

And yet it rarely is.
If I wanted some SSRIs all I have to do is google what to say to the doctor to be diagnosed with the correct mental illness.
Depression is a real thing I accept it. But I dislike how open to interpretation it is.
I personally think they are overused far too much just like ritalin and prozac was on kids only a few years ago.

Some people has been on SSRIs for 20+ years without any diagnosis other then depression. That’s insane to me.

What idiot would want to take anti depressants with the horrible side affects and mind changing attributes because they fancied googling a fake illness ?
Not many ,Nobody wants a lack of serotonin believe me .
A doctor has many tests to prescribe these pills and they are Doctors ,Not google or fantasists .If that guy on tabs for 20 years is feeling fine, he’s been diagnosed correctly .
Are you saying that if you are really depressed you must be diagnosed through a psychiatrist?
You try contacting one ,You will be told to sign in at the local mental health team at the local hospital (probably losing hgv licences etc),And you will wait years for help .That is why local GP’s are qualified to test you
And prescribe low doses ,And then you can be put on a waiting list for proper care if the tabs do not help .
No idiot unless long time scrounger will google a fake illness fgs :laughing:

Google it yourself and see the thousands of results.
Scores of people go through rough patches then self diagnose themselves with depression and all to often a gp is happy to oblige as long ad they can tick the right boxes.

Is that how you get your sick notes ?


Nobody wants a lack of serotonin believe me

Everyone suffers from a lack of serotonin at many points in their lives.
I take issue with prolonged use without trying to diagnose the underlying cause.

To paraphrase Jordan Peterston a lobster will feel depressed after it loses a fight with another lobster but if you give that lobster Prozac he will soon be back to his old self.

I just refuse to believe that a serious medical condition that means you can never produce enough serotonin for life can be diagnosed by an hour or two chatting to a doctor.
I’m all for short term use BTW just not long term without therapy or further tests.

BTW I know people on anti depressants and have been on them for years and when I ask them what tests they take they just say they speak to the doctor for a bit.

Is what I’m saying really so outrageous BTW? We are a nation of pill poppers. Kids were given ritalin if they misbehaved in class too much. If you have any issue usually the first answer is too pop a pill. :grimacing:

You are no Doctor .
You are in the man up get a grip brigade .
You argue for no reason .you have i am right syndrome .Waffle on pal .you are not helping the OP.

109LWB, have you not tried driving a vehicle with coils (or air) to help you back? :slight_smile:

Not many on here will have a clue what that is about…

:smiley: :wink: I’ve upgraded to a D3 since my username came about



Nobody wants a lack of serotonin believe me

Everyone suffers from a lack of serotonin at many points in their lives.
I take issue with prolonged use without trying to diagnose the underlying cause.

To paraphrase Jordan Peterston a lobster will feel depressed after it loses a fight with another lobster but if you give that lobster Prozac he will soon be back to his old self.

I just refuse to believe that a serious medical condition that means you can never produce enough serotonin for life can be diagnosed by an hour or two chatting to a doctor.
I’m all for short term use BTW just not long term without therapy or further tests.

BTW I know people on anti depressants and have been on them for years and when I ask them what tests they take they just say they speak to the doctor for a bit.

Is what I’m saying really so outrageous BTW? We are a nation of pill poppers. Kids were given ritalin if they misbehaved in class too much. If you have any issue usually the first answer is too pop a pill. :grimacing:

You are no Doctor .
You are in the man up get a grip brigade .
You argue for no reason .you have i am right syndrome .Waffle on pal .you are not helping the OP.

I never once said man up.
I just dont think anti depressants should be given out like skittles.
I listen to logic what is wrong with what I said?


109LWB, have you not tried driving a vehicle with coils (or air) to help you back? :slight_smile:

Not many on here will have a clue what that is about…

:smiley: :wink: I’ve upgraded to a D3 since my username came about


I thought that I had mild depression a few years ago after I ‘retired’ from driving (didn’t want to, loved it) and became a carer for my missus. I was feeling very run down and couldn’t concentrate on anything so asked the doctor for advice. She presented me with a form to fill in while I was with her; the first question was ‘Have you thought about ending your life today?’ and I answered “NO”. That was as far as I got with the form, she said that by answering ‘no’ I wasn’t clinically depressed and that was basically the end of the conversation! However she did advise a short break from caring, a fortnight in a ‘rest home’ but I declined as my wife would have had to be hospitalized during my absence and things did slowly improve.

There is no easy answer though; “Pull yourself together” doesn’t work and depression is finally being recognized as a genuine illness nowadays and many surgeries now have a department and a trained specialist clinitian to advise patients. Even our local school has such a thing as many kids are affected with ‘mental issues’ that are not treatable with an elastoplast, and like it or not depression IS a mental illness.



I suspect there are many situations like this in real life in which therapy is never used which would be best in the long run instead of giving happy pills away like skittles.

Going on last years prices, Prozac cost about £9 for a years worth of medication and Sertraline about £11 for the same. Given that therapy costs anywhere from £40 per hour upwards, you can see why tablets are popular with the financial decision makers. Any course of therapy will run for at least 6 sessions. You can medicate someone for 20+ years on the cheapest SSRI’s for that price…

I agree though, PROPER tailored therapy if given to people alongside meds if they need them, would be the ideal option. However, you have to add in that drugs companies have a vested interest in us popping pills, and so it goes on…

Edit: Just to add, medication can be a life saver for people suffering with depression / anxiety or other serious mental illnesses. Unless you have experienced being at rock bottom where you just literally want to no longer be on the planet (among other symptoms) or have had anxiety so serious you cannot leave the house, it’s probably a bit flippant to be pontificating about people on so called ‘happy pills’. I’m all for constructive debate, but there’s a lot of judgement on this thread.

Seriously (for those who haven’t) if you could experience a year in the life of someone with moderate to severe depression you would think differently. I guarantee it. And it’s all down to genetics and luck if you don’t. Yes, there is an argument that someone with mild depression should be offered therapy before meds, but more serious mood disorders require medicating, just like physical problems do…


Although I don’t think it’s always down to genetics and luck. I believe some just want to pop pills as it’s easier then dealing with their issues or as they say manning up. :grimacing: you got me to say it.


Although I don’t think it’s always down to genetics and luck. I believe some just want to pop pills as it’s easier then dealing with their issues or as they say manning up. :grimacing: you got me to say it.

You just Confirmed what i said earlier .It could be labelled as
“Obsessive tripe posting” Or in simple terms looking for conflict in any post to try to assert your mindset ← which is verging on Narcissistic behaviour .
I suggest getting out more ,Or contact your GP . :unamused: :laughing:

Oh man up. :sunglasses:

Oh man up. :sunglasses:
