Jesus H christ!

That’s why I swapped your full stop with a comma, you never start a new sentence with and. Quid pro quo :grimacing:

Are you sure? It seems many of the rules of grammar and spelling we were taught are at best flexible.

as for i before e except after c.

P.S. I don’t and never have professed to be any sort of expert on English Grammar or Spelling, but certain things have stuck in this brain over the years. :wink:

Academically speaking, you would not start a new sentence with and, it is subjective but is condemned by many, however you would not write a legal document… Personally I would take great offence by receiving any document written in this fashion. The nodding donkey knows better and was purely a mistake on his behalf by ways of a lapse of concentration in his excitement. I expect greater styles of writing from such a poster. In this instance no offence was taken and indeed no animals where harmed by this oversee on his part.

It seems many of the rules of grammar and spelling we were taught are at best flexible.

I agree…

My English A level language teacher stated that sentences could, under certain circumstances (although she never stated exactly what those circumstances were) start with ‘and’.

Just read the bible to find examples of it.

no ive never read the bible but i believe my old teacher

The bible is not a great example as it is a scripture that follows different rules. lots of Latin converted to English and various other languages.

Has anyone ever considered that the price for me being wrong is “nothing” - but the price for me being right and ignored is “total”?

I agree with those who say this isn’t about Religion. It’s about Politics. The Religion is just a “Front Man” for the Politics though. The politics of “wanting to get rid of anyone that doesn’t agree with one” turned into a rampaging mob, and hiding behind “Religion” and other excuses to mask the distilled political hostility beneath. If a religion cannot be criticized - then let’s make it about Terrorists. If It’s Christianity though, since that CAN be criticized, then another Front is needed. Let’s call it “Being Black”. (The world’s most solid Christians are those of the Anglican Communion, predominately Black people) If you can criticize someone’s nationality freely (Eg. Russian) then let’s make it about supporting some ally regime with unproven WMD (again!)
If it’s Politics though? - Let’s make it about American Impunity. Who ever gets to vote in the UN to enforce trade sanctions on America because AMERICA has done something that enough other nations disapprove of - that a UN resolution AGAINST America gets passed for a change…

So there we have it -
Religion cannot be criticized? - Terrorism.
Religion CAN be criticized? - Race.
Nation can be criticized? - Putin’s Russia, <insert any bull you like to reduce Russia’s reputation>
Nation cannot be criticized? - American Impunity. Nothing America can do is wrong, no matter how many get killed by a combination of all the others above.

What links it all together?
Established and entrenched political correctness at state level.

We cannot vote it out - because all parties currently support it. If they didn’t they would not be able to win elections.

The only feeble weapon we have is to make what use one can of one’s vote, futile as though that may seem. :frowning:
That’s got to be better than doing nothing, ignoring everything - and hoping the hostility never comes down one’s own street.
Alas, if I seem a bit wild of late - it is because I feel the walls closing in where I live. It’s a bit beyond paranoia already, sad to say. :frowning:


It seems many of the rules of grammar and spelling we were taught are at best flexible.

I agree…

My English A level language teacher stated that sentences could, under certain circumstances (although she never stated exactly what those circumstances were) start with ‘and’.

Yep I was told this as well.

Academically speaking, you would not start a new sentence with and, it is subjective but is condemned by many, however you would not write a legal document… Personally I would take great offence by receiving any document written in this fashion. The nodding donkey knows better and was purely a mistake on his behalf by ways of a lapse of concentration in his excitement. I expect greater styles of writing from such a poster. In this instance no offence was taken and indeed no animals where harmed by this oversee on his part.

I don’t think any of the posts here could be considered legal documents, which have to be written in a very precise manner to avoid misinterpretation. In fact nobody here is really writing great works of literature, except maybe some of Winseer’s works of fiction, but there are many examples in respected works of English literature where “and” begins a sentence.

While there isn’t an organisation with similar role to the Académie française, I imagine one of the main academic centres for the study of English will be Oxford University, and part of that is the Oxford University Press that publishes the Oxford English Dictionary, this is on their website about starting a sentence with a conjunctive.

Starting a sentence with a conjunction

You might have been taught that it’s not good English to start a sentence with a conjunction such as and or but. It’s not grammatically incorrect to do so, however, and many respected writers use conjunctions at the start of a sentence to create a dramatic or forceful effect. For example:

What are the government’s chances of winning in court? And what are the consequences?

Beginning a sentence with a conjunction can also be a useful way of conveying surprise:

And are you really going?

But didn’t she tell you?

It’s best not to overdo it, but there is no reason for completely avoiding the use of conjunctions at the start of sentences.

But as I stated earlier I’m no expert on the subject, I can only go by what I’ve been told in the past, backed up by my research today.

Good old Bidvest driver…we were always told to 'stop for no one, tell them, by means of holding the ‘I will follow you to…’ piece of card up at the window and crack on…or he was cacking himself and feared a beating!

Has anyone ever considered that the price for me being wrong is “nothing” - but the price for me being right and ignored is “total”?

I agree with those who say this isn’t about Religion. It’s about Politics. The Religion is just a “Front Man” for the Politics though. The politics of “wanting to get rid of anyone that doesn’t agree with one” turned into a rampaging mob, and hiding behind “Religion” and other excuses to mask the distilled political hostility beneath. If a religion cannot be criticized - then let’s make it about Terrorists. If It’s Christianity though, since that CAN be criticized, then another Front is needed. Let’s call it “Being Black”. (The world’s most solid Christians are those of the Anglican Communion, predominately Black people) If you can criticize someone’s nationality freely (Eg. Russian) then let’s make it about supporting some ally regime with unproven WMD (again!)
If it’s Politics though? - Let’s make it about American Impunity. Who ever gets to vote in the UN to enforce trade sanctions on America because AMERICA has done something that enough other nations disapprove of - that a UN resolution AGAINST America gets passed for a change…

So there we have it -
Religion cannot be criticized? - Terrorism.
Religion CAN be criticized? - Race.
Nation can be criticized? - Putin’s Russia, <insert any bull you like to reduce Russia’s reputation>
Nation cannot be criticized? - American Impunity. Nothing America can do is wrong, no matter how many get killed by a combination of all the others above.

What links it all together?
Established and entrenched political correctness at state level.

We cannot vote it out - because all parties currently support it. If they didn’t they would not be able to win elections.

The only feeble weapon we have is to make what use one can of one’s vote, futile as though that may seem. :frowning:
That’s got to be better than doing nothing, ignoring everything - and hoping the hostility never comes down one’s own street.
Alas, if I seem a bit wild of late - it is because I feel the walls closing in where I live. It’s a bit beyond paranoia already, sad to say. :frowning:

History has thought us many things, unfortunately the human race is incapable of learning from history. One thing that orators still don’t seem to grasp, is that change does not come because one person tells us to change, or because a small group of people manages to persuade us en masse to change. (Big) change builds up, over a length of time, and largely pushed by outside causes, mostly environmental and often aided by a slow adjusting of the masses to new conditions. Today is no different from centuries ago, the only difference is the speed with which news reaches us, and the enormous increase of news sources we are bombarded with. As then, today we can not fully trust the news we hear, because those who bring us the news, have an agenda to keep.
Today, we are told that we must oppose the ‘evil’ of Islam, because its teachings do not fit with our ‘Christian’ way of life. A thousand years ago, the peasants were told that they had to oppose the ‘evil’ of Islam, because it was the only way to heaven. And seeing as the only source of ‘news’ was the sermon at the church, that is what people did.
There is no difference between a black, Immigrant, Muslim scumbag and a white, English, Christian scumbag.

Edit to correct an unpardonable hear-here typo… :blush:

I think you missed my point. The problem isn’t Islam. The majority of Muslims worship peacefully and want to get on with their lives. The problem is the vocal minority that has hijacked Islam and twisted it to be anti western.

It’s like you being against all Christians because of the actions of the kkk. Don’t confuse the problem and paint all Muslims as the same. Attack that vocal minority for what they are not what they pretend to belive in.

It’s you who seems to have missed the point that it’s possible to agree with the kkk’s ideals ( the wrong side won the US Civil war which itself was never about slavery but segregation and repatriation based on the fact that the different ethnic groups live in different parts of the world for a reason and anti Federalism based on the fact that a democratic mandate in zb Michican or Massachusetts etc has no right to impose it’s rule over the mandate in North Carolina or Alabama etc ).Bearing in mind that more than 90% of those who fought for the CSA in the civil war weren’t slave owners.

While not agreeing with their methods. :bulb:

It’s then just a matter of sides and viewpoints.With the ( peaceful ) worship of Islam by definition meaning viewing non Muslims as Infidels or worse in the case of Atheists and Apostates.In addition to submitting to the will of Allah which is made clear enough to them in the Koran.The savage despotic Wahabbist Saudi Sharia regime and its obvious plan of insidious invasion and spread into Europe being the logical conclusion of all that.While the Afro community going for its own right to self determination in whatever form,while pretending it wants 'integration,and the ‘white’ community going for white flight being another.

IE spare us more failed Socialist propaganda that the world must all integrate into one big happy family because we can all see it predictably ain’t working. :unamused:

Starting a sentence with a conjunction

You might have been taught that it’s not good English to start a sentence with a conjunction such as and or but. It’s not grammatically incorrect to do so, however, and many respected writers use conjunctions at the start of a sentence to create a dramatic or forceful effect.

I don’t make the rules, I simply follow them. Making a dramatic or forceful effect in a sentence is no excuse for using “bad English” . It is a little like swearing to be dramatic, it simply isn’t right and I would rather not read it. I realise that we are not addressing many on here who are not candidates for an episode of Jeremy Kyle but there are a few on here who would be quite upset by reading a sentence beginning with “and”. I respect the nodding donkey in policing the grammar being used in the correct manner. I may even resort to posting in hieroglyphic if need be. I am not a man of many words but I do feel my words often fall on deaf ears as they are so profound.


Starting a sentence with a conjunction

You might have been taught that it’s not good English to start a sentence with a conjunction such as and or but. It’s not grammatically incorrect to do so, however, and many respected writers use conjunctions at the start of a sentence to create a dramatic or forceful effect.

I don’t make the rules, I simply follow them. Making a dramatic or forceful effect in a sentence is no excuse for using “bad English” . It is a little like swearing to be dramatic, it simply isn’t right and I would rather not read it. I realise that we are not addressing many on here who are not candidates for an episode of Jeremy Kyle but there are a few on here who would be quite upset by reading a sentence beginning with “and”. I respect the nodding donkey in policing the grammar being used in the correct manner. I may even resort to posting in hieroglyphic if need be. I am not a man of many words but I do feel my words often fall on deaf ears as they are so profound.

But it’s not true that you cannot start a sentence with a conjunction (do you see what I did there? :stuck_out_tongue: )

If I’m not mistaken, Carryfast is on pre-mod?


Starting a sentence with a conjunction

You might have been taught that it’s not good English to start a sentence with a conjunction such as and or but. It’s not grammatically incorrect to do so, however, and many respected writers use conjunctions at the start of a sentence to create a dramatic or forceful effect.

I feel the way the quote has been selected, it could be taken out of context, it wasn’t my written by me, it’s a direct quote from the Oxford English Dictionary website.

I don’t make the rules, I simply follow them. Making a dramatic or forceful effect in a sentence is no excuse for using “bad English” . It is a little like swearing to be dramatic, it simply isn’t right and I would rather not read it. I realise that we are not addressing many on here who are not candidates for an episode of Jeremy Kyle but there are a few on here who would be quite upset by reading a sentence beginning with “and”. I respect the nodding donkey in policing the grammar being used in the correct manner. I may even resort to posting in hieroglyphic if need be. I am not a man of many words but I do feel my words often fall on deaf ears as they are so profound.

WTF? This notion of "You have to BE an ethnic to arrest an ethnic is plain nuts.

It’s not ‘nuts’ at all it’s the very real and understandable human condition of self determination.Which won’t stop there.It goes along the lines of it needs an ethnic police force to police an ethnic community.Which then leads to the need for ethnic superiors to manage the police that polices the ethnic community.Which then leads to it needs an ethnic representation in government to make the policies which the ethnic police force enforces on the ethnic community.

In which case if you don’t like multi culturalism when taken to its logical conclusion then you need an immigration policy to match.IE a few if any and far between. :bulb:

Shame the driver didn’t slam his brakes on. Oh probably because he’d get a bollocking on his telematics because that’s more important right?..




The riots are over any old excuse. It’s high time we put down civil disorder the traditional way - hard policing, bereft of political correctness.
You talk to the police today and it’s “Oooh if only we had more ethnic minorities serving as police officers…”
WTF? This notion of "You have to BE an ethnic to arrest an ethnic is plain nuts.

As truckers, we ARE the front line. The difference between Third world and Developed nation status.

Our laws need to change so that simple civil law and order takes priority over bygone “ideals” such as Freedom of Religion trumping Freedom of Speech.

The mistake made was to not insist that to be incorporated into British Society, it is necessary to have a faith that is actually compatible with that society.

We might be afraid to over-run them with the full force of the law - but be advised - they hold no such qualms regarding over-running us.
…and to think the political Left upholds THESE people over working tax payers - beggars belief. :angry:

Can anyone put a finger on any pivotal moment in our lifetimes when the whole thing reached tipping point?

I’ll suggest “Labour taking over town halls around the same time Thatcher won the election”.
Grammar schools started to be deprived around this time, the advance of “Leftie” politics in our education establishement could also be traced back to around then.

I’m not fully sure if all our “immigration woes” can be blamed for what our country has come to now. If anything, to blame “Immigration” alone - is but a mask over the deeper underlying causes, centering upon our own do-nothing establishment. :frowning:

It ain’t got anything to do with religion mate. That’s just the excuse used by many extremists groups, even Christian ones! They’re nutters looking for power and to watch the world burn.

But anyone can worship any God they like far as I care if they do so peacefully and don’t try to convert me to it.

Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk

That’s just it - our own irreligious stance in this day and age - has left us wide open to attack from those other religions more militantly enforced than our own.

Islam, for example - is supposed to mean “Submission”. Yeh? Submission to what exactly? The loony Left? The Jihadist Terrorist? The will of the loudest shouters, or highest population - even if that turns out to be a criminal fraternity by any other name?

If we still had some kind of faith majority of our own in this country (and others in the “West”) then what we’re seeing right now would be called nothing short of an inquisition.
Notice that the Atheists are not making much noise about “The Evils of Organized Religion”, but make plenty of noise about “Paedo Priests”…

The WWIII of “What About…” Politics has already started. It IS a Cyber war. No one knows what to believe any more with regards to anything and everything - not just with Religion, but with our mainstream media as well. Everyone’s life has been hacked - and they don’t even realize it!

Even Black Africans will come under persecution for the wrong reasons. Moderate Muslims too.
This isn’t about Race, Creed, or Nationality. It’s about one’s political stance.
People eye each other with suspicion. The very worst damage can now be done to society - because it IS so diverse already.
I’m in favour of an equal society - not just one where the roles are reversed, “Law and Order” gets branded as “Evil”, and “Mob Rule” becomes the new “Good” because the “Majority” want it so.
What happens it the “Majority” want another branch of society persecuted and destroyed?
Let us never forget that Hitler got elected to power, and had a large following whilst in office.
Now Erdogan finds himself Democratically elected - only for him to also pursue dictatorship. He has the full support of the West in doing this (Fools!) because Turkey is a member of NATO, and because the West seems to have adopted this policy of “Appeasement” with regards to "What Erdogan wants - Erdogan gets - he might drop out of NATO if he doesn’t
Meanwhile, across the water in Egypt - you have a Military government who have ejected the Muslim Brotherhood backed former “Democratically” elected government.
What does the West do? Condemn Egypt, and not recognize the force for good that “secular” represents over “Islamic”. It’s the precise opposite to Turkey, and the West’s response - is also the exact opposite too. The only thing the West’s responses have in common in both cases - is that they are both WRONG of course. Islamic State backed by the more powerful Middle Eastern countries such as Turkey and Egypt - expands now. Egypt is now a pariah in western government eyes though. So, it’s tourist industry ruined, Egypt now declines to negligible importance in the greater scheme of things, out for the count for the foreseeable future. Western doing - not the Military Governments. Turkey, fleeces money out of the EU, sends migrants by the million over the Mediterranean like so many “missiles”, and the West let him get away with anything and everything on the home front too! How many former old-order establishment figures have been quietly executed in the past year? No one knows. Investigating Journalists can’t get in to find out what’s really happening now. Those who get too close, get bumped off… Turkey shoots down Russian aircraft when it feels like, attacks Kurds instead of ISIS along their own borders, and takes advantage of the mayhem in Syria - by sending in a few black ops “Turkmen” of their own to sow some more mayhem in their turn. Great. Now instead of fighting ISIS, the West tries to turn it’s guns upon Putin’s Russia?
FFS Give me a break! Everyone is fighting the “wrong” enemy - because we listen too much to those very same liars that are running the show, telling us any bull they like, and systemically getting away with it - because it’s backed up by other liars that are supposed to represent some political opposition.

“Staying out of it” works for a while - but what happens when someone figuratively walks up behind you, and gives one’s arse an almighty kick whilst one’s head is still very much buried in the sand?

I think you missed my point. The problem isn’t Islam. The majority of Muslims worship peacefully and want to get on with their lives. The problem is the vocal minority that has hijacked Islam and twisted it to be anti western.

It’s like you being against all Christians because of the actions of the kkk. Don’t confuse the problem and paint all Muslims as the same. Attack that vocal minority for what they are not what they pretend to belive in.

Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk

There was an opinion poll after the twin towers slaughter…80% of muslims expressed support for the murder of thousands of innocent people? I’ll live peacefully side by side with anyone regardless of colour, religion or ■■■■■■■■■ if I feel that it is reciprocated. I don’t feel that it is with muslims. Don’t underestimate the power of the vocal and violent minority (if it is a minority now) to mobilise the less virulent. These people are bringing civil war to Europe and with the help of the Christmas turkeys in the EU…





The riots are over any old excuse. It’s high time we put down civil disorder the traditional way - hard policing, bereft of political correctness.
You talk to the police today and it’s “Oooh if only we had more ethnic minorities serving as police officers…”
WTF? This notion of "You have to BE an ethnic to arrest an ethnic is plain nuts.

As truckers, we ARE the front line. The difference between Third world and Developed nation status.

Our laws need to change so that simple civil law and order takes priority over bygone “ideals” such as Freedom of Religion trumping Freedom of Speech.

The mistake made was to not insist that to be incorporated into British Society, it is necessary to have a faith that is actually compatible with that society.

We might be afraid to over-run them with the full force of the law - but be advised - they hold no such qualms regarding over-running us.
…and to think the political Left upholds THESE people over working tax payers - beggars belief. :angry:

Can anyone put a finger on any pivotal moment in our lifetimes when the whole thing reached tipping point?

I’ll suggest “Labour taking over town halls around the same time Thatcher won the election”.
Grammar schools started to be deprived around this time, the advance of “Leftie” politics in our education establishement could also be traced back to around then.

I’m not fully sure if all our “immigration woes” can be blamed for what our country has come to now. If anything, to blame “Immigration” alone - is but a mask over the deeper underlying causes, centering upon our own do-nothing establishment. :frowning:

It ain’t got anything to do with religion mate. That’s just the excuse used by many extremists groups, even Christian ones! They’re nutters looking for power and to watch the world burn.

But anyone can worship any God they like far as I care if they do so peacefully and don’t try to convert me to it.

Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk

That’s just it - our own irreligious stance in this day and age - has left us wide open to attack from those other religions more militantly enforced than our own.

Islam, for example - is supposed to mean “Submission”. Yeh? Submission to what exactly? The loony Left? The Jihadist Terrorist? The will of the loudest shouters, or highest population - even if that turns out to be a criminal fraternity by any other name?

If we still had some kind of faith majority of our own in this country (and others in the “West”) then what we’re seeing right now would be called nothing short of an inquisition.
Notice that the Atheists are not making much noise about “The Evils of Organized Religion”, but make plenty of noise about “Paedo Priests”…

The WWIII of “What About…” Politics has already started. It IS a Cyber war. No one knows what to believe any more with regards to anything and everything - not just with Religion, but with our mainstream media as well. Everyone’s life has been hacked - and they don’t even realize it!

Even Black Africans will come under persecution for the wrong reasons. Moderate Muslims too.
This isn’t about Race, Creed, or Nationality. It’s about one’s political stance.
People eye each other with suspicion. The very worst damage can now be done to society - because it IS so diverse already.
I’m in favour of an equal society - not just one where the roles are reversed, “Law and Order” gets branded as “Evil”, and “Mob Rule” becomes the new “Good” because the “Majority” want it so.
What happens it the “Majority” want another branch of society persecuted and destroyed?
Let us never forget that Hitler got elected to power, and had a large following whilst in office.
Now Erdogan finds himself Democratically elected - only for him to also pursue dictatorship. He has the full support of the West in doing this (Fools!) because Turkey is a member of NATO, and because the West seems to have adopted this policy of “Appeasement” with regards to "What Erdogan wants - Erdogan gets - he might drop out of NATO if he doesn’t
Meanwhile, across the water in Egypt - you have a Military government who have ejected the Muslim Brotherhood backed former “Democratically” elected government.
What does the West do? Condemn Egypt, and not recognize the force for good that “secular” represents over “Islamic”. It’s the precise opposite to Turkey, and the West’s response - is also the exact opposite too. The only thing the West’s responses have in common in both cases - is that they are both WRONG of course. Islamic State backed by the more powerful Middle Eastern countries such as Turkey and Egypt - expands now. Egypt is now a pariah in western government eyes though. So, it’s tourist industry ruined, Egypt now declines to negligible importance in the greater scheme of things, out for the count for the foreseeable future. Western doing - not the Military Governments. Turkey, fleeces money out of the EU, sends migrants by the million over the Mediterranean like so many “missiles”, and the West let him get away with anything and everything on the home front too! How many former old-order establishment figures have been quietly executed in the past year? No one knows. Investigating Journalists can’t get in to find out what’s really happening now. Those who get too close, get bumped off… Turkey shoots down Russian aircraft when it feels like, attacks Kurds instead of ISIS along their own borders, and takes advantage of the mayhem in Syria - by sending in a few black ops “Turkmen” of their own to sow some more mayhem in their turn. Great. Now instead of fighting ISIS, the West tries to turn it’s guns upon Putin’s Russia?
FFS Give me a break! Everyone is fighting the “wrong” enemy - because we listen too much to those very same liars that are running the show, telling us any bull they like, and systemically getting away with it - because it’s backed up by other liars that are supposed to represent some political opposition.

“Staying out of it” works for a while - but what happens when someone figuratively walks up behind you, and gives one’s arse an almighty kick whilst one’s head is still very much buried in the sand?

I think you missed my point. The problem isn’t Islam. The majority of Muslims worship peacefully and want to get on with their lives. The problem is the vocal minority that has hijacked Islam and twisted it to be anti western.

It’s like you being against all Christians because of the actions of the kkk. Don’t confuse the problem and paint all Muslims as the same. Attack that vocal minority for what they are not what they pretend to belive in.

Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk

There was an opinion poll after the twin towers slaughter…80% of muslims expressed support for the murder of thousands of innocent people? I’ll live peacefully side by side with anyone regardless of colour, religion or ■■■■■■■■■ if I feel that it is reciprocated. I don’t feel that it is with muslims. Don’t underestimate the power of the vocal and violent minority (if it is a minority now) to mobilise the less virulent. These people are bringing civil war to Europe and with the help of the Christmas turkeys in the EU…

80% of a sample of Muslims you mean. A sample large enough to be statisticaly representative of the entire Muslim population? Probably not, if any such survey was even carried out. Impress me with a url to that survey or I’ll assume it’s ■■■■■■■■.

Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk

There was an opinion poll after the twin towers slaughter…80% of muslims expressed support for the murder of thousands of innocent people? I’ll live peacefully side by side with anyone regardless of colour, religion or ■■■■■■■■■ if I feel that it is reciprocated. I don’t feel that it is with muslims. Don’t underestimate the power of the vocal and violent minority (if it is a minority now) to mobilise the less virulent. These people are bringing civil war to Europe and with the help of the Christmas turkeys in the EU…

Do you really believe that all muslims were polled & that 80% of them expressed support?

You are a part of the problem.

It’s a pity a couple of those twunts didn’t end up under his wheels.
What are they protesting about?
Answer…A piece of [zb] that swallowed his stash of crack that he was dealing and died during his arrest because of it…says it all doesn’t it. :smiling_imp:

We need to stop [zb] ing about, this country is full of [zb] and needs cleansed, starting with the Liberal ‘right on’ type lefties who brought all this on us in the first place.

If you ever fancy a career change to politics, you got my vote.

It’s you who seems to have missed the point that it’s possible to agree with the kkk’s ideals ( the wrong side won the US Civil war which itself was never about slavery but segregation and repatriation based on the fact that the different ethnic groups live in different parts of the world for a reason and anti Federalism based on the fact that a democratic mandate in zb Michican or Massachusetts etc has no right to impose it’s rule over the mandate in North Carolina or Alabama etc ).Bearing in mind that more than 90% of those who fought for the CSA in the civil war weren’t slave owners.

While not agreeing with their methods. :bulb:

It’s then just a matter of sides and viewpoints.With the ( peaceful ) worship of Islam by definition meaning viewing non Muslims as Infidels or worse in the case of Atheists and Apostates.In addition to submitting to the will of Allah which is made clear enough to them in the Koran.The savage despotic Wahabbist Saudi Sharia regime and its obvious plan of insidious invasion and spread into Europe being the logical conclusion of all that.While the Afro community going for its own right to self determination in whatever form,while pretending it wants 'integration,and the ‘white’ community going for white flight being another.

IE spare us more failed Socialist propaganda that the world must all integrate into one big happy family because we can all see it predictably ain’t working. :unamused:

So, you don’t think that that the whole shebang is down to the Zionists then?