in cab cameras



  • Poor public opinion and esteem of lorry drivers: I don’t care what people say, it doesn’t impress girls at all. And most customers seem to hate you.

Appealing isn’t it?

Indeed, your post does paint a damning picture of the industry, however all is not like that, the secret is to getting away from hire and reward and finding a job where you are delivering your own goods, preferably in a vehicle operated by the manufacturer/supplier, yes these jobs are rare but they are out there and young chaps are sorely wanted because the majority of drivers there will be in the older age bracket (for several reasons) and these companies know they need young blood to bring on.

However this is where it goes wrong, and i have watched this where i am over a few years now, too many of the new drivers simply don’t take enough care, they want to fly about and get done before they start, and on our tanker operation this just doesn’t bloody work because damage is seriously expensive, and too many of all age groups can’t for some reason appreciate when they’ve landed on what should be a dead mans shoes job, so once they have their feet under the table they start to take the ■■■■, start milking the full sick pay, cause damage and ■■■■ off home without sorting it or even reporting it, sometimes snotty with customers (we are not haulage we are part of customer service where i work and last time i looked the customer paid all of our wages :bulb: , and come up with all the excuses not to cover the second run their were planned.
We’re salaried and our overall hours are very reasonable (well short for haulage), but now again when the crap hits the fan and all industries have peak demand periods, well you have to be prepared to do your share, and this is where the new type of driver (of all ages) lets the game down, the don’t want give and take they only want to take :unamused:

Customers on specialist type work are not in the same category as often found in general, where surly security clerks and forkies who often have an overinflated opinion of themselves (and it must be said that good ones have to deal with some surly unpleasant lorry licence holders, it isn’t all one way), nine times out of ten i deal with storemen or supervisors who are in charge of the intakes tanks and silos, and the interaction is usually friendly and with a bit of banter now and again.

Funny how soon some drivers they forget what their previous jobs were like, when they’ve gone from 60+ hour weeks to 30/43 hour weeks for often better pay.

There’s a reason good jobs are good jobs is not just because they are unionised (though that helps because a good works union also exerts a certain amount of encouragement/discipline to look after the job, it’s better to be asked by a union steward to curb idiotic behaviour than it gets to company disciplinary procedure, plus good union drivers tend to appreciate the job and are often the most reliable staff), it’s because people who have the jobs look after them, because anyone with an ounce of savvy knows that if enough people take the ■■■■ and ruin the operation, some high ranking director will sooner or later pull the plug and hand the bloody lot over to the DHL Wincanton Hoyer of the world or perish the thought bloody Stobart, and another good job bites the dust and becomes hire and reward hell.

By the way, be very glad that working for a living, therefore working class by definition, does not impress certain of the apparent females out there, you would do well to steer well clear of any female who is attracted to basically the wallet.
Trust me on this issue, western modern females are not a patch on their mothers and grandmothers generations, if you want to find a gem you could do worse than look east or south young man, and i don’t mean Ipswich or Portsmouth, you will never look back, Latin blood is a good bet though i know chaps with Asian and Oriental partners who are happy with their lot and being working class did not deter those fine ladies, i’m not talking about internet take aways here by the way.

The picture you paint Juddian does not only apply to this job, it is just an illustration of modern attitudes…ie… Look after no.1, every man for himself and ■■■■ everybody else.
It’s just the way that society has changed over the last 20 to 30 yrs, in all walks of life.
The cause I’m not sure, but I think it originated from some of Maggie’s policies, selling the working classes their houses and making mortgages a necessity and the normal way of life, rather than a choice is a classic example.

I even find myself adapting that policy these days, because nobody will join together as a force for good anymore, so I find myself doing just that…Head kept down but looking after myself.

The ‘‘■■■■ everybody else’’ part comes about as I watch them not only being shafted, but being so willinglly !! :open_mouth: so I just view them with amusement and disgust combined.

Nice to see you giving out advice on women btw based on your evident vast experience in that field. :wink: :laughing: :laughing:
I have had a bloody good woman behind me for 30+ yrs who has stood by me through all sorts of crap, I think it’s my good looks and stunning personality that makes her stick around though tbh. :smiley:
She aint from the areas you reccomend, she originates from Holland, so I can definitely recommend the foreign model. :smiley:




The cause I’m not sure, but I think it originated from some of Maggie’s policies, selling the working classes their houses and making mortgages a necessity and the normal way of life, rather than a choice is a classic example.

Nice to see you giving out advice on women btw based on your evident vast experience in that field. :wink: :laughing: :laughing:
I have had a bloody good woman behind me for 30+ yrs who has stood by me through all sorts of crap, I think it’s my good looks and stunning personality that makes her stick around though tbh. :smiley:
She aint from the areas you reccomend, she originates from Holland, so I can definitely recommend the foreign model. :smiley:

Maggie didn’t help getting working class bods thinking they were somehow middle class, or as my Geordie mate puts it so well ‘‘the trouble is they don’t know which pot to ■■■■ in’’ :sunglasses: , though the rot set in before that, as industry was systematically replaced with shopping and leisure centres, office blocks and housing…which is still going on.
Thatchers economical miracle was subsidised by flogging off the family silver (privatisation) and north sea oil, any fool could have done that and made themselves look wonderful.
All those huge industrial parks you see (springing up in places the elite don’t live ie the Cotswolds :unamused: ) are to the rafters with Chinese and Indian made tat, we don’t have industry we have warehousing and consumerism plus a false and unsustainable property market based on cheap credit again based on artificially low interest rates, plus massive immigration which keeps the property market growing and false growth, and any bugger with an ounce of savvy knows it’s all going to go pop in due course.

As for women, Christ if i knew then etc :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:
However i am as happy in my life with my fair maiden as any pig that found himself in a big pile of sloppy crap :laughing:
Yes, i too recommend getting one of them there furrin girls :wink:


She aint from the areas you reccomend, she originates from Holland, so I can definitely recommend the foreign model. :smiley:

Yes, i too recommend getting one of them there furrin girls :wink:

You mean I shouldn’t be looking for a local girl, but one from Suffolk instead? :open_mouth: :confused: