hot weather


Man up,make the most of it.
Its Summer ffs.Fast forward a few months and it will be “Why isnt my night heater working”
9 times out of 10 theres a discarded sock blocking the air intake.

You make the most of it.
I’m ginger, so me and the big orange barsteward in the sky don’t get on.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Man up,make the most of it.
Its Summer ffs.Fast forward a few months and it will be “Why isnt my night heater working”
9 times out of 10 theres a discarded sock blocking the air intake.

You make the most of it.
I’m ginger, so me and the big orange barsteward in the sky don’t get on.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Have you been shot with a beetroot gun mollys dad :wink:


Man up,make the most of it.
Its Summer ffs.Fast forward a few months and it will be “Why isnt my night heater working”
9 times out of 10 theres a discarded sock blocking the air intake.

You make the most of it.
I’m ginger, so me and the big orange barsteward in the sky don’t get on.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow


Man up,make the most of it.
Its Summer ffs.Fast forward a few months and it will be “Why isnt my night heater working”
9 times out of 10 theres a discarded sock blocking the air intake.

Well said :slight_smile:

You make the most of it.
I’m ginger, so me and the big orange barsteward in the sky don’t get on.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

I’m a blond, but grow ginger auxiliary hair. Plus I have lots of Norwegian and Swedish blood swilling around so I start sweating when the snow melts. It’s a shame it’s me that melts instead of the fat…

When you park up in hot weather tilt the cab a foot or so lets the heat of the engine disperse much quicker.

just put the fan on in the bedroom

turn on the i-cool


Man up,make the most of it.
Its Summer ffs.Fast forward a few months and it will be “Why isnt my night heater working”
9 times out of 10 theres a discarded sock blocking the air intake.

You make the most of it.
I’m ginger, so me and the big orange barsteward in the sky don’t get on.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow


When you park up in hot weather tilt the cab a foot or so lets the heat of the engine disperse much quicker.

Put a couple of blocks down and edge forward so the front wheels are on them to keep the cab level .
Failing that ,dump the air on the drive axle,otherwise,you will roll out of bed.

With all of the new safety features on new trucks I can’t understand why an aircon unit isn’t factory fitted instead of a night heater. Surely setting the temperature to what you would like whatever the weather would be a huge safety feature and if fitted as standard at the factory it would cost effective too.

As with night heaters and air con, I’m sure that systems like Volvos icool will go from being a optional extra to being pretty standard equipment for most truck in 5 or 10 years. Got to say if I was buying a new truck I think I’d include a pod or systems like icool into the spec.

I am using a duvet cover without the duvet.Sleep naked with the windows open,the neighbours have had enough of the hot weather though.

Get in the pool every half hour or so drink a few bottles of Efes then fall asleep on the sun lounger, life’s a ■■■■■.

Great choice in beer… Efes is awesome! :smiley:


Get in the pool every half hour or so drink a few bottles of Efes then fall asleep on the sun lounger, life’s a ■■■■■.

Great choice in beer… Efes is awesome! :smiley:

Is that some English drink or something :question:

wots it been like this week for sleeping,hot is ok when you on holiday :sunglasses: keith

Right. I’m in a fairly foul (fowl? No that’s ducks isn’t it) mood.

Just operated from mid west where it was sticky road boiling. Too hot for a Limey like me. 18 hour duty. Race horses on the main deck. Two old female grooms on upper deck talking constantly for 18 hours. Bloody working environment was roasting. America mid west was roasting. Partially tipped and reloaded in Scotland then down to Euroland. By time we arrived, the place stunk of 18 hour old horse ■■■■■ and pee and was roasting. Booked myself for 36 hours in cheap ■■■ hotel with aircon that is useless. Room is roasting. I’m jet lagged to hell and need to cool down. Any, I mean any suggestions, little tricks on how to cool a room down (window opens a crack and outside is even hotter) would be appreciated. Honestly. I would right now, buy several pints for a good suggestion (you’d have to travel to where I am). Cheers. Yours in a bad mood :imp:

Air con unit and ceiling fan working together keeps the bedroom perfect in this weather, I’ve worked nights for years so the air con unit was one of my best purchases :smiley:

Well quite a few overweight retards insist on parking up next to me and keeping their engines running for their air con to work… for an hour or so at a time… drives me potty between 8-10pm when i have an early start! :imp:

Just an hour or so at a time? The ■■■■■■ next to me has been running for hours.

His boss wont be impressed in the morning.

nodding donkey:

Well quite a few overweight retards insist on parking up next to me and keeping their engines running for their air con to work… for an hour or so at a time… drives me potty between 8-10pm when i have an early start! :imp:

Just an hour or so at a time? The ■■■■■■ next to me has been running for hours.

His boss wont be impressed in the morning.

If I was parked up at night with those who kept their engines running in the summer, I always gave two long blasts on the air-horn. With your curtains closed nobody is quite sure which driver objected and even if they identified the lorry they could never be sure it didn’t contain a 7-foot gorilla. Worked every time! :wink: Robert

find a reefer that’s parked up open his doors park so your window is next to back door easy