Happy Days

Passed my C+E yesterday :slight_smile: Well chuffed :slight_smile: Got 3 minors, which isn’t too bad, but still slightly disappointing after a clean sheet on my Class 2.

Now for 35 hours of CPC next week at Viamaster in Castleford, then onto the real world of trying to get a good job and learning the ropes … straps… chains … :wink:

Now for 35 hours of CPC next week at Viamaster in Castleford,

so none of your other training counted… that takes the P really at least some of it should have what a right royal eh

ignore this post, stupid reply lol

Was hoping for some fireworks tbh… :frowning:

As for my training not counting, Apex don’t have their courses approved to count towards CPC. No biggy for me, it all came good in the end and I’ve now completed my CPC too. Hoorah!

Congrats mate.

Congrats on passing CE mate

Well done pal. Now you are a real man.


Now for 35 hours of CPC next week at Viamaster in Castleford,

so none of your other training counted… that takes the P really at least some of it should have what a right royal eh

I must assume APEX does not have their practical courses dcpc approved …

Congrats Grovesy :wink:

Cheers peeps. Thanks ROG for my fireworks. Will sleep soundly now :wink: