Eu referendum whats your vote

Not heard anything for some time but are the “gilets jaunes” continuing their protests around France.If so,will the fire at Notre Dame rather burst their balloon?
In a similar vein,could Macron’s comments result in him receiving a surge of support in the forthcoming elections if he is perceived as saying the right words?
Just curious.

Not heard anything for some time but are the “gilets jaunes” continuing their protests around France.If so,will the fire at Notre Dame rather burst their balloon?
In a similar vein,could Macron’s comments result in him receiving a surge of support in the forthcoming elections if he is perceived as saying the right words?
Just curious.

Going by the comments out there it looks more likely that the Notre Dame incident was just another example of Islamic arson on yet another Church to add to loads of others including apparently St Sulpice recently ?.On that note more votes for the FN which will then inevitably be removed by vote rigging tactics just as before.

Although having said that the idea of the French being that bothered about their Churches being lost,let alone to the alleged actions of the foreign invasion that they’ve invited in,is an oxymoron and probably just karma anyway going by their heretic constitution and allowing zb’s like Napoleon and now Macron to hijack the country as part of that. 4.26 - 4.35

Not heard anything for some time but are the “gilets jaunes” continuing their protests around France.If so,will the fire at Notre Dame rather burst their balloon?
In a similar vein,could Macron’s comments result in him receiving a surge of support in the forthcoming elections if he is perceived as saying the right words?
Just curious.

No, the Gillies are a busted flush now, apart perhaps in Paris and the other big cities, but on the roads I see an occasional bunch of saddos in a camp away from the roadside but no disruption since last year.

Can’t see what difference the fire will make. I hear there has been a massive donation for repair but I doubt most people think the state should take the brunt. There are far more pressing things to spend the money on imo.

The Euro elections? I don’t know, I wouldn’t be surprised if people use it as a protest vote, possibly thinking that it doesn’t impinge on their lives. If Brexit is put off I will still get my vote in the Euros and it will be for the same party that I have always supported in France, and it is allied to Macron. Even though he made a massive mistake in hiking the tax on diesels, for eco reasons, but which hit those least able to avoid it. Who can afford a new leccy car? Not me. :frowning:

As a wee diversion, can I recommend BBC R4 tomorrow morning? “The Reunion” is looking at the MP’s expenses scandal of ten years ago.
I know this thread has so many fans of our elected repres… yeah, OK…

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As for the Referendum being “non binding” if in truth it is held up to be, what do the Politicians think WE will think of them? I suppose the Remoaners will carry on voting regardless but what of the rest of the voting public? The Brexiteers will cry “FOUL” and those that didn’t vote will say “See, I told you it was a waste of time voting”!

I’ve said before, I voted to remain but respect the Brexit majority. However IF it’s all turned on its head it would suit me perfectly…my Mrs. EU reciprocal medical care will carry on and I can look forward to no issues with HGV Licence, DCPC etc.

IF Mother Theresa revokes Art. 50, how do you perceive the reactions of the EU? Guy VerHorstadt in particular?

Don’t you think the EU are going to scream “CHICKEN” and give the UK are hard time? Or are they going to breathe a sigh of relief and be benevolent to the UK?

One thing they need to STOP doing is the 6 month shuffle between head offices. Costs US a fortune.

So,even if we leave,we stay.Perhaps?? … al-treaty/

As for the Referendum being “non binding” if in truth it is held up to be, what do the Politicians think WE will think of them? I suppose the Remoaners will carry on voting regardless but what of the rest of the voting public? The Brexiteers will cry “FOUL” and those that didn’t vote will say “See, I told you it was a waste of time voting”!

I’ve said before, I voted to remain but respect the Brexit majority. However IF it’s all turned on its head it would suit me perfectly…my Mrs. EU reciprocal medical care will carry on and I can look forward to no issues with HGV Licence, DCPC etc.

IF Mother Theresa revokes Art. 50, how do you perceive the reactions of the EU? Guy VerHorstadt in particular?

Don’t you think the EU are going to scream “CHICKEN” and give the UK are hard time? Or are they going to breathe a sigh of relief and be benevolent to the UK?

One thing they need to STOP doing is the 6 month shuffle between head offices. Costs US a fortune.

Gazzer what ever we do stay or leave the EU will try and give us a hard time just to teach us a lesson for even attempting to leave and for the way our inept parliament have handled the situation over the last nigh on three years.
As I have said before there are a fleet of vans and trucks moving files between those two offices which is a ridiculous system, imagine if we did that with say a parliament building in Manchester.

Franglais only last week I saw a piece about how a number of our MP’s between them have benefitted to the tune of 42 million pounds on the sale of second homes within London which was to facilitate them being closer to Whitehall because of the hours they have to keep, bet not many paid back the interest on the mortgages which was paid by the TAX payers of this country plus tax on there profits, Buzzer.

Morning all,
Interesting times ahead, i think the political system in this country is now bust.
I can hear TM and her cronies crying to us, vote Nigel is a vote for Corbyn, but I dont think it will work this time.
In or out I think we are in for big changes and about time to. Harvey

Here you go Harvey, cheers Buzzer

Here you go Harvey, cheers Buzzer

Spot on as usual Buzzer ! it was a simple “in or out” vote and not accompanied by a bog roll length of options ! Cheers Bewick.

Well said buzzer you would get my vote. :smiling_imp:

I’m trying to convince an acquaintance that David Cameron said that the referendum would be a “once in a lifetime” event.I think I have seen it posted on here as a video but I can’t track it down.I would be grateful if anyone could resurrect it for me.Thanks.My friend says it’s all leaver misinformation.

I’m trying to convince an acquaintance that David Cameron said that the referendum would be a “once in a lifetime” event.I think I have seen it posted on here as a video but I can’t track it down.I would be grateful if anyone could resurrect it for me.Thanks.My friend says it’s all leaver misinformation.

What does it matter? He was a politician, surely you don’t mean you actually believed him :astonished: :question: :question:

I’m trying to convince an acquaintance that David Cameron said that the referendum would be a “once in a lifetime” event.I think I have seen it posted on here as a video but I can’t track it down.I would be grateful if anyone could resurrect it for me.Thanks.My friend says it’s all leaver misinformation.

Chatham House speech Nov 2013. “Once in a generation”?

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I’m trying to convince an acquaintance that David Cameron said that the referendum would be a “once in a lifetime” event.I think I have seen it posted on here as a video but I can’t track it down.I would be grateful if anyone could resurrect it for me.Thanks.My friend says it’s all leaver misinformation.

What does it matter? He was a politician, surely you don’t mean you actually believed him :astonished: :question: :question:

He was a remainer just like May and it’s bleedin obvious that his bs ‘referendum’ was a one sided scam that was all about providing carte blanche credibility for when Lisbon kicks in with full force in 2020.Which some how they managed to lose because they couldn’t rig the referendum well enough including the failure of the state funded Remain campaign.

On that note we’re agreed a referendum was never the right way to sort this.

Nor for that matter was any parliamentary vote either.Because no one has the right to vote an internationally recognised de Facto Nation State out of existence and into self appointed illegal EU Federal state vassalage.On that basis we were taken into the EU based on Heath’s lies and signing of an illegal treaty and the 1975 referendum was/is void.Hope that helps.

He also said that we wouldn’t be able to go back if we leave … chance would be a fine thing

He also said that we wouldn’t be able to go back if we leave … chance would be a fine thing

It certainly would be a fine thing, but I can’t see it being allowed without very stringent conditions, which may well include no 2nd bite of the cherry of Article 50.

:wink: I see Ma Kranky is at it again ,these politicians never fail to amaze me , she wasn’t happy with the result of the first vote on Scottish Independance so she wants to try again to get the result she craves for.I dont think some of these MPs can spell democracy never mind understand it. I wonder how long Trumps men will take to build that wall we may have a job for them , on a much smaller scale mind

:wink: I see Ma Kranky is at it again ,these politicians never fail to amaze me , she wasn’t happy with the result of the first vote on Scottish Independance so she wants to try again to get the result she craves for.I dont think some of these MPs can spell democracy never mind understand it. I wonder how long Trumps men will take to build that wall we may have a job for them , on a much smaller scale mind

Aye a funny place to be sure where the men wear skirts, do they really know what they want with no money from Whitehall coming forth over the bridge if they separate and the oil nearly all gone to boot.

Question— What are the best two things to come out of Scotland ?