Eu referendum whats your vote

By definition we are talking about the most devious bunch - politicians. I certainly don’t put it past May’s supporters to have submitted last minute letters in order to trigger a leadership election, with the intention of making her invulnerable for another 12 months.

Blimey that would be a high risk strategy if you are a supporter of hers, Machievelli would be proud of them.

But you are right about the deviousness of that bunch. The best comment I have heard since arising this morning is that Michael Gove is behind her all the way, but of course, that is the best position to be in in order to stab someone in the back. :laughing:

As to who would be best to succeed, it would probably be a Brexiteer and I can’t think of a single one who is up to the task. Come to think of it, I can’t think of a single Remainer who is either.

The cat it is then. :unamused:

I’ve just watched the duplicitous ■■■■■ on the news shaking hands with that [zb] Junker and grinning at him like a Cheshire cat ! What’s the betting that behind closed doors she is saying privately " Well Jean Claude, you drunken [zb], I’ve managed to achieve the result we have both wanted to see, in that I’ve [zb] the job up solid and got everybody at each others throat so just bear with me and fingers crossed we will not be leaving the EU and those silly, misguided, [zb] that voted Leave will have to get back in line and do as we [zb] well tell them. Furthermore I have done what I said I would do as I have always been a Remainer and never intended to deliver the Democratic will of the People and in the next few days I will “jack it” and leave the whole job in chaos and stand back and watch my “colleagues” fight like rats in a sack to take over from me , and yes Jean Paul I will have a Great Christmas although I assume that you will be ■■■■■■ as a pudding throughout the Festive Season no longer having to worry about the ultimate outcome !" Merry Christmas Your Loyal Subject Teresa M. !

Spot on Dennis I bet once Maggie May gets the shove she’ll be in line for a commissioners job in the EU gravy train with her snout deeply in the trough along with the rest of the failed politicians who are lining their filthy trotters thank you very much
Cheers Gary

Spot on Dennis I bet once Maggie May gets the shove she’ll be in line for a commissioners job in the EU gravy train with her snout deeply in the trough along with the rest of the failed politicians who are lining their filthy trotters thank you very much
Cheers Gary

So you think that Brexit will be halted then? Otherwise it will be a very short gravy train for her. :laughing:

i reckon it’ll go something like, tory brexiteer (anyone will do) followed by brexit delay, followed by govt confidence vote, followed by general election followed by jeremy followed by labour split. followed by further childish spats, followed by more parliament break ups followed by another couple of years of chaos.

i reckon it’ll go something like, tory brexiteer (anyone will do) followed by brexit delay, followed by govt confidence vote, followed by general election followed by jeremy followed by labour split. followed by further childish spats, followed by more parliament break ups followed by another couple of years of chaos.

Well, we certainly live in interesting times, a whole series of posts in this thread with which I have broadly agreed. :open_mouth: :smiley:

BTW, nice looking cows Buzzer, but I am no expert so are they yours, and do I see some non-British breeds amongst them, perhaps even, European? :confused:

Well apparently there are 48 letters of no confidence in the prime minister and now she faces a vote and if she loses that we will have a new PM, if she wins we are stuck with her for at least another year. Who do you all think would be the best successor should she lose to sort this whole bloody mess out, Buzzer.

As it stands the only even half trustworthy Cons would be David Davis or Dominic Raab or ironically regarding the above post Peter Bone.Probably Davis although if I’ve got it right both Davis and Raab at least are ok with a so called ongoing ‘transition’ period which obviously just keeps the EU status quo alive ready for a new remainer alliance in parliament to reverse it all again.There’s really no reason as to why we shouldn’t/can’t go from EU member to so called ‘Hard Brexit’ non member state overnight.Just as we went from ‘Hard Brexit’ to EU member state in 1973.

Well apparently there are 48 letters of no confidence in the prime minister and now she faces a vote and if she loses that we will have a new PM, if she wins we are stuck with her for at least another year. Who do you all think would be the best successor should she lose to sort this whole bloody mess out, Buzzer.

Ester McVeigh ?

it doesn’t matter a ■■■■ what any of us think now.
The parliamentary Tory party are about to decide if she gets the sack. And given what a selfish shower of **** they are, the country will be secondary to their own ambitions.

Oh wait just like the EU appoints its commissioners etc.Don’t remember anyone here getting a vote on Juncker’s,Verhofsted’s or Tusk’s positions.While it’s obvious that EU membership was always incompatible with National Sovereignty which made it a simple no brainer choice and matter to be ‘dealt with’ by the Head of State not the PM.


Well apparently there are 48 letters of no confidence in the prime minister and now she faces a vote and if she loses that we will have a new PM, if she wins we are stuck with her for at least another year. Who do you all think would be the best successor should she lose to sort this whole bloody mess out, Buzzer.

Ester McVeigh ?

Not strong or tested enough yet IMO, but one to watch for the future, she’s got more ■■■■■■■■ than the alleged men in the cabinet.

I’d like to see JRM cajolled by his peers into putting his hat in the ring, probably wishful thinking but at the very least i hope the next PM puts him either as Chancellor or in charge of Brexit.

I am worried that they’ll find another remainer to carry on where May’s owner’s left off, and they could of course always vote confidence in May, perish the thought.
Hopefully self survival will kick in and the visions of 17.4 million at heart partriots voting for anyone expect Tory should concentrate their minds.


Well apparently there are 48 letters of no confidence in the prime minister and now she faces a vote and if she loses that we will have a new PM, if she wins we are stuck with her for at least another year. Who do you all think would be the best successor should she lose to sort this whole bloody mess out, Buzzer.

Ester McVeigh ?

Have to agree with you there Dennis as Ester McVeigh would be my choice but don’t under estimate TM she could remain as she is doing a pretty good job of that at the moment, BoJo is a bit volatile, don’t think Mogg wants the job and not sure if David Davis has enough umph and as for Gove well he is just a stinking rat and he even look’s like one to boot, its a wonder Larry the cat has not sniffed him out yet and disposed of the vermin.
We definitely dont need Corbin & Labour in charge as there ideas are far wiedre than TM’s. Its a shame that Brexit has been dragged out so long, we should have had it done and dusted in the first three months then by this time we would have had our little blip and would be marching on showing the rest of the EU that life outside there club is far better than with in. You dont need to be a brain surgeon or a mathametician to work the finances out of us being entangled in the EU machine, any one who has run there own business can see that from a mile of, too much going out and not enough coming back in a sure road for disaster in the long run, we need OUT on the 31st of March next year with no deal and lets get on with life, Buzzer.

PS. spardo the cattle are mine and they are Simmental Crosses which originate from Swiss, not withstanding there are some good French beef breeds as well.

PS. spardo the cattle are mine and they are Simmental Crosses which originate from Swiss, not withstanding there are some good French beef breeds as well.

Thank you, they look as if you polish them everyday. (That’s polish, of course, not Polish :wink: )

One of the French breeds, the Limousines, originates just up the road from here. Cleaned up like that they look very good in the fields. If you like pure white of course. :smiley:


Spot on Dennis I bet once Maggie May gets the shove she’ll be in line for a commissioners job in the EU gravy train with her snout deeply in the trough along with the rest of the failed politicians who are lining their filthy trotters thank you very much
Cheers Gary

So you think that Brexit will be halted then? Otherwise it will be a very short gravy train for her. :laughing:

Somehow I feel we’ll get shafted and get trapped in the EU for some considerable time
That’s when Maggie May gets her reward an unelected commissioner for keeping us in

they could of course always vote confidence in May, perish the thought.
Hopefully self survival will kick in and the visions of 17.4 million at heart partriots voting for anyone expect Tory should concentrate their minds.

I’d guess that Gove has said it all in that regard.He expressed his loyalty to May and said that she is delivering the Brexit we all voted for.On that note this foregone publicity stunt,which they already know she’ll win,has more to do with sealing her into the job and removing any potential opposition or dissent to her plans.Than any real intention of the Cons suddenly over night turning over night, from an institutionally Europhile Federalist rabble,which chose Heath over Powell and signed us up to Maastricht,into a decent patriotic government.While Powell was the only one so far with the courage of his convictions to call these traitors what they are.The fact that Davis at least didn’t resign his seat and trigger a by election saying it all about these no hopers.As I’ve said the whole thing seeming moot when it’s clear that the Head of ‘State’ is happy to go along with it being handed over to the EU and if she won’t defend it who can.

On the subject of the Peoples’ Vote and secondary referenda in general, I see that the Welsh were given one way back in the last century on the subject of ‘do you want your own Welsh government?’

The said no in an avalanche of 4 to 1.

18 years later they had another one which reversed the first, but only narrowly.

Thus, they now have a (semi) independant government. Did anyone hear shouts of protest at the time?

I suppose the reasons given were ‘things have changed and we now know more than we did’

Ring a bell? :neutral_face:


PS. spardo the cattle are mine and they are Simmental Crosses which originate from Swiss, not withstanding there are some good French beef breeds as well.

Thank you, they look as if you polish them everyday. (That’s polish, of course, not Polish :wink: )

One of the French breeds, the Limousines, originates just up the road from here. Cleaned up like that they look very good in the fields. If you like pure white of course. :smiley:

Hi spardo, too smart with the tongue in cheek(sarcastic) response to Buzzer no amount of scrubbing will turn a Limousin into a Charolais the white breed of French beef cattle.

Have a break from Brexit, have a laugh.

Hi spardo, too smart with the tongue in cheek(sarcastic) response to Buzzer no amount of scrubbing will turn a Limousin into a Charolais the white breed of French beef cattle.

Well, I did say I was no expert. :unamused: :laughing:

But I do know sarcasm, and what I said certainly wasn’t that, or meant to be that. :frowning:

TM gathered her herd and bated the hook by telling them give me a stay of execution and I will keep us in the EU against the will of the people of this country and I will not lead you into the next general election I will stand aside, one problem with that as with most politicians she lies and has done so most recently and more than once so how the hell does she have any credibility left. Im’e in fear now of her but I still don’t see her getting her deal through parliament and we should leave on March the 31st next year with no deal but just you wait and if she stays that date wont for sure it will be delayed even though she has stated many times that come what May we will be leaving on that day at 11pm but that could also be a lie we will have to wait and see, Buzzer.

Hi Keith.Why do you hark back to that old chestnut,the British Empire.We all know that it is the only empire the world has ever seen and that it was not achieved by being nice to people.Surely our European cousins wouldn’t do anything so horrible to other folk.The Kaiser(German for emperor)was emperor of nothing.Perish the thought that our French cousins would entertain something similar.Ditto Spain.Austria or Hungary(Hapsburg)probably a vicious lie.The Dutch wandered around the globe a bit.Belgium probably drifted down to west Africa and asked if they could look after a few things for the locals.It seems churlish to back further in time but maybe the Vikings,Romans,Greeks and Normans may have been a little harsh.
All of which is irrelevant to current proceedings so why do remainers/apologists persist in regurgitating it.
My nationality is Yorkshire English.I have enjoyed travelling and working in Europe for 40 years.I live in Spain for half the year and would happily live in France for the other half if my wife permitted it.

TM gathered her herd and bated the hook by telling them give me a stay of execution and I will keep us in the EU against the will of the people of this country and I will not lead you into the next general election I will stand aside, one problem with that as with most politicians she lies and has done so most recently and more than once so how the hell does she have any credibility left. Im’e in fear now of her but I still don’t see her getting her deal through parliament and we should leave on March the 31st next year with no deal but just you wait and if she stays that date wont for sure it will be delayed even though she has stated many times that come what May we will be leaving on that day at 11pm but that could also be a lie we will have to wait and see, Buzzer.


May has ruled out a no deal Brexit.She’s made it clear that her position is her so called ‘deal’, which is actually Remain + because it keeps us under EU rule with no MEP’s,or Remain.So no either way we certainly won’t be ‘leaving’ the EU next March nor at all so long as the Conservative European Federalist Party and its cross party Remain alliance are in control of the process.Who would have thought it.Which explains why there are loads of Federalists outside Parliament waving their stinking EU flags because they know that parliament has no intention of delivering Brexit.At which point it will be them who will be calling us the traitors against the done deal of us being a loyal EU Member state.Even though the stinking EU is a rogue illegitimate take over of Europe and no more valid or recognised in international law as a de Jure let alone De Facto Nation State than the 3rd Reich was.