Drivers nick names--and why

Just a few I met along the way…
The poisened dwarf,we all know that one,Robin Pettit from SI.
Nick the Greek,also from SI.
Big Rod or Ace from Pan Express.
Mary,better known as Cyril Hughes from Brit European.
Mr.Magoo,my mate Alan Jones ,from C & B and Expo Freight.
Carrier bag,Carl Cornes RIP,from Thor and ANC/FedEx.
Bunchy,Phil Bunch.
More will come to me over the next few days.

Had some belting names for folk over the years, just a select few

Tiptoe Tim - always walked on his tiptoes
Pinhead - Had the body of a pin.
Super Mario - Looked like him.
Airbag - Always had something to say.
Treefeller - Knocked a tree down reversing the van.
Slippy Knickers - Office tart.
Rommell - Ex army that was based in Germany
Bungalow - Had nowt upstairs.
Empty Head - Bungalow had already been taken.
KitKat - Told a fatal tale of his missus liking 4 fingers.
Wicket Legs - Skinniest legs ever.
Soap on a rope - Smelliest person I have ever met.

Pressure cooker always ready to explode
Electric feet always in a hurry
Yak Yak never stopped rabbiting
Howja always asking how do get there, how do you do this
Ticker another with a short fuse
Barbara as he acted like a tart
sammyopisite could argue with himself
odd legs he had a artificial leg
sill billy some of the things he did and strokes he pulled were unbelievable

I will think of some others
cheers Johnnie

Hiya …got a mate nick named redskin. , cb handle and all…
black bob slaney from Dover origanelly Ashbourne.I bet more than just me knows him on TN,

Hi all,
Port talbot based steel haulier, joint motorways’ shunters in margam’s abbey steelworks were known to all and sundry by their individual nicknames, these are the ones I can recall, there were many more.

Dai woolcock was known as “Freddie mercury”,cause he looked a bit like him and was also in a group.
“Mustard gas” , I never knew his name,he was ex parachute regiment.
“Taff” Eddie ? Even his wife called him that!
“Oxo” never knew his name!he always used to eat the cubes.
“Daz” never knew his name either, he rarely washed!
“Dipstick” dai Myers he was always blowing up engines through lack of oil.
“Small coal” John dunnley,don’t know why,he’s on here so could tell us.
And my all time favourite joint shunter nickname ever! Has to be,“Keith the teeth from Neath” not only very funny but self explanatory really :smiley: :laughing: :laughing:
Regards andrew

:smiley: :smiley: Over the years I have heard afew nicknames, here are a few
Felix, because he got all the cream.
Phantasy Phil, because he was in a world of his own
Cement head, Cos he was thick as f**k
Trigger, For the same reason
Seal clubber 'cos he is norwegian
Flag holder 'cos he’s a pole
umpa lumpa,'cos hes a short arse
The Stig.'for obvious reasons. :smiley: :smiley:

Bit gruesome this one but a nick name never-the-less,J & W Watt had shunter at London Colney in the '60’s called " Two headed Mick" this bloke had one hell of a growth on the side of his neck,I would add that it never seemed to bother him.Cheers Bewick.

Dennis,I used to do a change over at Garstang or Crooklands,[dependant on return traffic,]with a Scot nicknamed Tom Thumb,as he had another thumb growing to the side of one of his original thumbs!!

David :smiley:

…then there was Wing Nut,'cos he had large sticky out ears!!!

Keep’em coming lads!!!

David :slight_smile:

I worked many year’s ago with ‘Cream Cake Mick’ & ‘Bruv’.

I can’t remember their full names, but Mick always had good loads & never got dirty & Bruv looked like Grant Mitchel from Eastenders.

Had a guy worked at our place who had half his ear bitten off in a fight . His nickname was eighteen months . year an arf.

Jag Joe, Ticker, Pete Stackhouse Little Legs, and others drove for Mike Smith and Howell and Taylor from the Burnley area another one was christened the Male Model because he was never dirty and never had a hair out of place, I can t remember his real name , thats if I ever knew it .and lets not forget Yacker Yates and of course Kermit who drove for Harrisons.

Some nicknames (from various places) & reasons why…

Spaz - dunno (he’s a bright lad really)
Pip - ex squaddie
Woodentop - not sure
Squeak - his voice (!)
Noddy - had 40 winks in a quiet corner of the yard, they all left him, locked up & went home!
Frilly knickers - tipper driver who wore a shirt, tie & blazer every day
Martini man - “anytime, any place, anywhere”
Blakey - passed as a double for Butlers’ nemesis
Curtis - his surname was Mayfield (as in the singer)
Wozzle - dunno
Stuntman - style of driving (!)

Curly…He was bald
7 hairs…He was almost bald
Chrome Dome…He was bald and his head used to shine under the street lights
There was a lad who worked on one of the MSAs whose nickname was one wing… he only had one arm.


hi. we had a driver at united carriers who,s nick name was tomb stone, as he had big gaps in his teeth ,and the others that were left were at an angle, just looked like old tomb stones. cheers diesel

Not only drivers have nicknames,many trucks are also named.Here are just a couple.Peter Andrews called his “overnight sensation”,one I saw in Holland, “Flat bottle jack”.I’m sure there are loads more.

Tony Taylor:
Not only drivers have nicknames,many trucks are also named.Here are just a couple.Peter Andrews called his “overnight sensation”,one I saw in Holland, “Flat bottle jack”.I’m sure there are loads more.

You’re right there Tony, most of mine had nicknames. Usually beginning with Heap of…Pile of etc :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


When I was on for Cawthorn’s on the Thorn contract Brimsdown. We had a smashing driver called Billy Freeman whose nick name was CENTRE BOLT, because he couldn’t walk in a straight line he’d used to crab side ways, like a motor did if the spring centre bolt was gone.


There was a taxi driver this way called George no-neck,it was easy to see why,his shoulders were up by his earholes. :slight_smile:

When I was on for Cawthorn’s on the Thorn contract Brimsdown. We had a smashing driver called Billy Freeman whose nick name was CENTRE BOLT, because he couldn’t walk in a straight line he’d used to crab side ways, like a motor did if the spring centre bolt was gone.


You’ve just remined me of a Driver(R.I.P.) we employed at Bewick Transport who was nicknamed “Question Mark” cause he was shaped like one,but he was a good driver never-the-less.Bewick.

rocky 7:
When I worked for Blue Dart over 40 years ago there was a driver,“I can’t remember his name” we called" blooming heck " because under no circumstances could we get him to swear , He got killed in Shaw Oldham Loading bales when the bale slipped off the hoist.

I wonder if this was at the same mill where my old man had his accident. Same thing, bale (5.5 cwt) fell out of the grab…