Did Greta Thunberg save any dolphins today in Bristol?

The WHO says the mortality rate from COVID 19 is about 1%. They say the mortality rate from `flu is about 0.1%.
If they are wrong, tell us how you know so.

So 10 x the mortality rate of flu which we can bet is an understatement but just as contagious.So not exactly something not to be bothered about.So what did they do.Let’s load loads of planes with people from the area where it started and send them all over the world.What could possibly go wrong.

Back to the original thread she didn’t save any dolphins but she still smells fishy.


Not really a pop at other ethnicities but it astonishes me how asian/oriental cuisines are not more widely covered by our own native populace.Is it only a foodstuff that the asians can create?
I personally detest chinese food but love Indian/Bangladeshi stuff but they do have hygiene issues chez Isle of Wight.Regular food inspection shutdowns etc.It’s an innocent enquiry,is Tikka,Pathia,foo yung etc…copyrighted in some way?

Firstly the reason they use all this ridiculous hot spice zb is to cover deteriorating out of date rotten food stuffs in hot climates.It’s anyone’s guess how the local population here got a taste for this muck.While my own theory is that all this spicy crap damages the sense of taste which then gets desensitised and then they need ever hotter stronger zb chucked all over their Sunday dinner. :open_mouth: :laughing:

As for weaponised 5g and and Biotech conspiracies.Might as well go ( much ) further and start thinking the unthinkable and impossible that we’re possibly facing an alien lifeform invasion intent on taking us out and taking over the planet.Having infiltrated our top level government levels.They also don’t seem to like CO2 or Oxygen ‘whoever’ and/or ‘whatever’ ‘they’ are.

Lets just say such notions are increasingly in my wheelhouse these days.When you factor in the majesty 12,Jason society and the Roswell incident,not forgetting the cueniform clay tablets discovered in Iraq with some rather interesting etchings, it all seems to heading in that direction. :confused:



Not really a pop at other ethnicities but it astonishes me how asian/oriental cuisines are not more widely covered by our own native populace.Is it only a foodstuff that the asians can create?
I personally detest chinese food but love Indian/Bangladeshi stuff but they do have hygiene issues chez Isle of Wight.Regular food inspection shutdowns etc.It’s an innocent enquiry,is Tikka,Pathia,foo yung etc…copyrighted in some way?

Firstly the reason they use all this ridiculous hot spice zb is to cover deteriorating out of date rotten food stuffs in hot climates.It’s anyone’s guess how the local population here got a taste for this muck.While my own theory is that all this spicy crap damages the sense of taste which then gets desensitised and then they need ever hotter stronger zb chucked all over their Sunday dinner. :open_mouth: :laughing:

As for weaponised 5g and and Biotech conspiracies.Might as well go ( much ) further and start thinking the unthinkable and impossible that we’re possibly facing an alien lifeform invasion intent on taking us out and taking over the planet.Having infiltrated our top level government levels.They also don’t seem to like CO2 or Oxygen ‘whoever’ and/or ‘whatever’ ‘they’ are.

Lets just say such notions are increasingly in my wheelhouse these days.When you factor in the majesty 12,Jason society and the Roswell incident,not forgetting the cueniform clay tablets discovered in Iraq with some rather interesting etchings, it all seems to heading in that direction. :confused:

You mean, Erich von Däniken was right after all?


Did Greta Gorgon save any public lives from Coronovirus today - by calling off such a large public gathering in the name of “public health”… Or are we not actually in danger from this “Coronovirus” after all, it being nothing but a bigged-up hoax to scare the world economy into a sharp downtime in time to get all world right wing leaders, including and especially Trump out. :question:

Just saying…

The pattern of contractions and deaths to date - is around the same as the background death rate for colds and flu for this time of the year.
You’ve even got the extra day of 29th February to massage any “Statistics” figures up a bit more, if one fancies using Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics in such a misleading manner… :bulb:

Well? Where do your statistics come from?
How can you say the mortality rate is the same as seasonal flu?
Do you have access to resources the rest of us don`t?
Misinformation leads to some failing to take simple precautions and spreading infection unnecessarily.

The WHO says the mortality rate from COVID 19 is about 1%. They say the mortality rate from `flu is about 0.1%.
If they are wrong, tell us how you know so.

Belief or disbelief - is a matter of faith.
What with the optics of politics these days - it is all too easy to use people’s ignorance of facts or rather the difference between facts and fiction.

We’re told that this virus outbreak is a pandemic, or very soon likely to become one.
…Were that true, then millions rather than dozens of lives are at risk around the world.
Martial Law would have already been implemented, emergency powers granted to the PM by the opposition, and we would have already heard of shootings and incarcerations of persons knowingly breaking quarentine and putting large numbers of people at risk in the general population.

Workers are being told to “stay at home, and not work” in some areas. What is the point of locking down one town, when you don’t lock down everyone and everything going to and from that town as well?
We’re told that “such and such number of people have been infected” and “unamed man has died”.
NO names NO housing estates, but rather just “generalizations” that don’t have to be backed up with hard facts - the very acme of an entirely concocted story.

We’re told that the transmission vector is “contact” and “Airbourne” - rather like mutated plague rather than anything requireing (easily measurable) bacteria levels rather than virus levels…

A true danger to the public - would see a far more encroachign response from the authorities then, rather than this lackustre thing that almost makes it look as if the government are afraid to act - in case it makes them look daft!

A 1% death rate would mean the deaths of 70million people - which is around the same that perished in WWII.
It isn’t going to be 7million though - is it? That drops below even the 0.1% death rate that you mention yourself for “common flu”…

Like Stalin said “The votes don’t count. How one counts the votes - counts.”

I believe the very mundane and average data here - has been blown out of all proportions, and being used as a reason to weaken our economy, since we didn’t buy into Project Fear or “Trump is not to be credited for the booming economy” on the other side of the pond. The lack of weakness in the Euro, as if it had become a “flight to quality” investment - gives the game away as to which factions are involved in what is little more than an attempt to discredit the world’s leaders of the Right at this time.
By carrying on working as if “nothing is happening” (because nothing IS happening!) - I have effectively bet my life on this being a damp squib, using casual death rate background statistics into manipulating citizens into making the wrong decisions about their economic and behavioural future.

I’m not even going to eye up oriental citizens walking past with some kind of suspicion, as we get told that “Chinkyphobe” might become the next new great “hate” to somehow browbeat the Non-Left with accusations of…

Oddly enough, this pack of foul lies - are likely to actually hurt Chinese citizens most of all - via the drop in their economy that THEY will suffer with regards to their trading relations with the rest of the planet. China - import most of their food after all, and are totally dependent upon it… A Famine in China? Unthinkable! But there it is… The world’s deep state hate Jinping as much as they hate Trump, Putin, Boris, Orban, Duteurte, and of course Salvini Anything that can be done to divert, distract, or just plain bring down any or all of them - has no limits as to how far these barstewards will go in their lies to the general public.

Let’s now see Boris string out any “Aid”, whilst carrying on regardless of whatever he is already doing, eg. with Brexit, and keeping his dream-team cabinet together.
“Over-reacting” - weakens Boris, as does “Getting rid of Preti Patel or Dominic ■■■■■■■■■■

For those of us that voted Conservative in December - we obviously still cling to the hope that Boris is part of the solution rather than squarly part of the problem.


Misinformation leads to some failing to take simple precautions and spreading infection unnecessarily.

Misinformation like loading planes full of potential disease cases from the Chinese epicentre and sending them all over the world.Then suddenly we need quarantine when it’s got here.

…Yeh. Either it is a deliberate act with a real threat - or there is no threat, they know it - but couldn’t help give themselves away by their contradictory actions… Either way, - we’d have to be total mugs to buy into ANY of it!



Did Greta Gorgon save any public lives from Coronovirus today - by calling off such a large public gathering in the name of “public health”… Or are we not actually in danger from this “Coronovirus” after all, it being nothing but a bigged-up hoax to scare the world economy into a sharp downtime in time to get all world right wing leaders, including and especially Trump out. :question:

Just saying…

The pattern of contractions and deaths to date - is around the same as the background death rate for colds and flu for this time of the year.
You’ve even got the extra day of 29th February to massage any “Statistics” figures up a bit more, if one fancies using Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics in such a misleading manner… :bulb:

Well? Where do your statistics come from?
How can you say the mortality rate is the same as seasonal flu?
Do you have access to resources the rest of us don`t?
Misinformation leads to some failing to take simple precautions and spreading infection unnecessarily.

The WHO says the mortality rate from COVID 19 is about 1%. They say the mortality rate from `flu is about 0.1%.
If they are wrong, tell us how you know so.

Belief or disbelief - is a matter of faith.
What with the optics of politics these days - it is all too easy to use people’s ignorance of facts or rather the difference between facts and fiction.

We’re told that this virus outbreak is a pandemic, or very soon likely to become one.
…Were that true, then millions rather than dozens of lives are at risk around the world.
Martial Law would have already been implemented, emergency powers granted to the PM by the opposition, and we would have already heard of shootings and incarcerations of persons knowingly breaking quarentine and putting large numbers of people at risk in the general population.

Workers are being told to “stay at home, and not work” in some areas. What is the point of locking down one town, when you don’t lock down everyone and everything going to and from that town as well?
We’re told that “such and such number of people have been infected” and “unamed man has died”.
NO names NO housing estates, but rather just “generalizations” that don’t have to be backed up with hard facts - the very acme of an entirely concocted story.

We’re told that the transmission vector is “contact” and “Airbourne” - rather like mutated plague rather than anything requireing (easily measurable) bacteria levels rather than virus levels…

A true danger to the public - would see a far more encroachign response from the authorities then, rather than this lackustre thing that almost makes it look as if the government are afraid to act - in case it makes them look daft!

A 1% death rate would mean the deaths of 70million people - which is around the same that perished in WWII.
It isn’t going to be 7million though - is it? That drops below even the 0.1% death rate that you mention yourself for “common flu”…

Like Stalin said “The votes don’t count. How one counts the votes - counts.”

I believe the very mundane and average data here - has been blown out of all proportions, and being used as a reason to weaken our economy, since we didn’t buy into Project Fear or “Trump is not to be credited for the booming economy” on the other side of the pond. The lack of weakness in the Euro, as if it had become a “flight to quality” investment - gives the game away as to which factions are involved in what is little more than an attempt to discredit the world’s leaders of the Right at this time.
By carrying on working as if “nothing is happening” (because nothing IS happening!) - I have effectively bet my life on this being a damp squib, using casual death rate background statistics into manipulating citizens into making the wrong decisions about their economic and behavioural future.

I’m not even going to eye up oriental citizens walking past with some kind of suspicion, as we get told that “Chinkyphobe” might become the next new great “hate” to somehow browbeat the Non-Left with accusations of…

Oddly enough, this pack of foul lies - are likely to actually hurt Chinese citizens most of all - via the drop in their economy that THEY will suffer with regards to their trading relations with the rest of the planet. China - import most of their food after all, and are totally dependent upon it… A Famine in China? Unthinkable! But there it is… The world’s deep state hate Jinping as much as they hate Trump, Putin, Boris, Orban, Duteurte, and of course Salvini Anything that can be done to divert, distract, or just plain bring down any or all of them - has no limits as to how far these barstewards will go in their lies to the general public.

Let’s now see Boris string out any “Aid”, whilst carrying on regardless of whatever he is already doing, eg. with Brexit, and keeping his dream-team cabinet together.
“Over-reacting” - weakens Boris, as does “Getting rid of Preti Patel or Dominic ■■■■■■■■■■

For those of us that voted Conservative in December - we obviously still cling to the hope that Boris is part of the solution rather than squarly part of the problem.

400 words?
You could have just said “I have no facts”.

According to the BBC red button , a lot of people are not happy about all the grass being reduced to mud on the green in front of the council building , so they set up a crowd funding page for donations , but not too happy with that , so maybe will want to charge the organizer , so was that Greta then , to send the bill to , for some new grass seed and the labour charges for the work men ?
Just think of the children and all that grass being in pain , and no public toilets and water available that day , the poor little eco-warriors responded by saying " We did our best in the circumstances . "

I have no facts that you’d believe

I can’t be arsed to link any, as I link a lot slower than I type, and I’ve not been to bed yet after a 14 hour shift.

I can only postulate, speculate, and pontificate.

You may congratulate me at least for being honest.

Back on-topic - if Greta keeps some people listening to her at her rallies, rather than bringing towns and cities to a standstill with their silly “infrastructure blocking programmes” - then some good might yet come of her “work”.

she is really just another perfect example of how much better life today would be if only adolf had won.
just this years media puppy to fill some pages and airtime.
isnt it sad how the lemmings all jump onto her bandwagon though?

Would you say the same about David Attenborough?


she is really just another perfect example of how much better life today would be if only adolf had won.
just this years media puppy to fill some pages and airtime.
isnt it sad how the lemmings all jump onto her bandwagon though?

Would you say the same about David Attenborough?

The difference being that David Attenborough has a life time of experience working in this area and has seen what is happening first hand as opposed to a spoilt school girl being used by others to seek attention who’s knowledge has come form that ever so reliable source of information the internet.


Not really a pop at other ethnicities but it astonishes me how asian/oriental cuisines are not more widely covered by our own native populace.Is it only a foodstuff that the asians can create?
I personally detest chinese food but love Indian/Bangladeshi stuff but they do have hygiene issues chez Isle of Wight.Regular food inspection shutdowns etc.It’s an innocent enquiry,is Tikka,Pathia,foo yung etc…copyrighted in some way?

Firstly the reason they use all this ridiculous hot spice zb is to cover deteriorating out of date rotten food stuffs in hot climates.It’s anyone’s guess how the local population here got a taste for this muck.While my own theory is that all this spicy crap damages the sense of taste which then gets desensitised and then they need ever hotter stronger zb chucked all over their Sunday dinner. :open_mouth: :laughing:

As for weaponised 5g and and Biotech conspiracies.Might as well go ( much ) further and start thinking the unthinkable and impossible that we’re possibly facing an alien lifeform invasion intent on taking us out and taking over the planet.Having infiltrated our top level government levels.They also don’t seem to like CO2 or Oxygen ‘whoever’ and/or ‘whatever’ ‘they’ are.

Possibly if you go for the palate nuking variants of said provender :open_mouth: myself opts for the more milder Pathia variants of this stuff.I realise our ■■■■■■■■■■■ uk take on Asian cuisine is a poor relation than what passes muster chez Hindu Kush ,but bloody hell you can’t beat a good old ruby when the chips are down.


she is really just another perfect example of how much better life today would be if only adolf had won.
just this years media puppy to fill some pages and airtime.
isnt it sad how the lemmings all jump onto her bandwagon though?

Would you say the same about David Attenborough?

i would listen to anything he said with an open mind and then make my own decisions from there,whereas grotty thunderbags is just basically a revolting space cadet puppet with someone else pulling her strings and telling her what to say on their behalf.



she is really just another perfect example of how much better life today would be if only adolf had won.
just this years media puppy to fill some pages and airtime.
isnt it sad how the lemmings all jump onto her bandwagon though?

Would you say the same about David Attenborough?

The difference being that David Attenborough has a life time of experience working in this area and has seen what is happening first hand as opposed to a spoilt school girl being used by others to seek attention who’s knowledge has come form that ever so reliable source of information the internet.

But they are both saying exactly the same thing.




she is really just another perfect example of how much better life today would be if only adolf had won.
just this years media puppy to fill some pages and airtime.
isnt it sad how the lemmings all jump onto her bandwagon though?

Would you say the same about David Attenborough?

The difference being that David Attenborough has a life time of experience working in this area and has seen what is happening first hand as opposed to a spoilt school girl being used by others to seek attention who’s knowledge has come form that ever so reliable source of information the internet.

But they are both saying exactly the same thing.

Agree except one is saying it with years of experience and the other is parroting it from the internet and using the fact that she is a child to deflect criticism and playing to politicians worse fears of snubbing a child. If the politicians were serious they would have been listening to scientists who have been saying the same thing for the last 20 years. It just shows how infantile our politicians have become when they take a child whose source of knowledge is the internet more seriously than scientists who have spent a lifetime studying climate change and actually know what they are talking about

Agree except one is saying it with years of experience and the other is parroting it from the internet and using the fact that she is a child to deflect criticism and playing to politicians worse fears of snubbing a child. If the politicians were serious they would have been listening to scientists who have been saying the same thing for the last 20 years. It just shows how infantile our politicians have become when they take a child whose source of knowledge is the internet more seriously than scientists who have spent a lifetime studying climate change and actually know what they are talking about

Sounds more like you’re just a believer who thinks she’s harming your case.When they are all as bad as each other.So how cold do they want it to be tonight here or in the Arctic.As for Attenborough a so called Green who obviously prefers to burn trees instead of coal and that Chernobyl and Fukushima are worth it.

This absolutely nails it.





she is really just another perfect example of how much better life today would be if only adolf had won.
just this years media puppy to fill some pages and airtime.
isnt it sad how the lemmings all jump onto her bandwagon though?

Would you say the same about David Attenborough?

The difference being that David Attenborough has a life time of experience working in this area and has seen what is happening first hand as opposed to a spoilt school girl being used by others to seek attention who’s knowledge has come form that ever so reliable source of information the internet.

But they are both saying exactly the same thing.

Agree except one is saying it with years of experience and the other is parroting it from the internet and using the fact that she is a child to deflect criticism and playing to politicians worse fears of snubbing a child. If the politicians were serious they would have been listening to scientists who have been saying the same thing for the last 20 years. It just shows how infantile our politicians have become when they take a child whose source of knowledge is the internet more seriously than scientists who have spent a lifetime studying climate change and actually know what they are talking about

I agree with lots of what you’re saying, but not all of it.
Does it matter that knowledge is learnt from the www? Would it be better if Thunberg learn from books? Or scrolls?
Sure there is nonsense on www but there is nonsense written with ink on paper too.
And Attenborough is an excellent communicator but he isn’t repeating his original research, he too has learnt it from others.
So long as claims can be backed up, it shouldn’t* matter who says it.

  • And here is the problem we agree on: politicians are rarely leaders today. They listen TOO much to newspaper commentators etc.
    The public having a voice is good, but we are being influenced by persuasive liars. Big business with everything invested in the status quo are against the truth coming out.
    Being a teenage girl certainly hasn’t prevented debate, and Thunberg has been attacked in all aspects including her appearance. Why? Because some know they can’t substantially argue with the facts she is pointing out, so choose to attack the messenger.
    Yep, we have mostly infantile politicians instead of leaders. Can’t argue at all.

The new age politik: Make crazy statements of fact - that cannot be challenged without looking like the things we’re told to despise people for maybe being…

Alas, “Healthy Debate” demands that we question EVERYTHING and ALL THE TIME at that.

No one should ever have to prove that they “don’t believe something” or they “have no faith in something being true” or not.
FFS the Atheist crowd have been doing that regarding Religion since the dawn of the so-called “Age of Reason” centuries ago!

Now is the time to consider a bigger diversity - not in “Race” or “Creed” or “Nationality” - but rather what one believes of mainstream establishment, including our so-called institutions.

How can a non-science person expect to understand all the ins and outs of a cat’s arse when it comes to a specialist field, for instance?

Science has been saying that “Smoking kills you” for decades - and yet people still smoke as if they “don’t believe it”.
Science tells us that natural emissions such as Gweenhouth Gathes - need to be stopped, despite Nature already having methods in place for the dispersal of said “toxins”…
Science tells us that if you replace a natural poison with an unnatural man-made one - then it is “problem solved” rather than “Problem Doubled” which is what it bloody well looks like these days…

“Fuel Additives” - spring to mind. We never used to worry about charging people to have their fuel contaiminated!
If anything, the “Greenest” of fuel additives - is probably Adblu - since it is based on Urea, after all - a naturally occuring substance enough.
Everything from Tetraethyl Lead to these transition metal traces put INTO aviation spirit though? FFS CO2 emissions would normally come out of an aircraft’s exhaust, and because CO2 is heavier than air - sink to Earth, where it can be natrually converted back to Oxygen by the action of Trees… The occasional lightening storm - can then convert a tiny amount of that Oxygen into Ozone, where it then rises, and replaces any “holes” in the Ozone Layer. ALL natural healing processes then - until we get our oar in there, and replace these natural toxins with man-made crap…

THERE is your “Man Made Environmental Damage” - right there! “Fixing wot ain’t broke”.
“Creating a problem where there wasn’t one before”.

People were jumping on aircraft in the 60’s and 70’s as routinely as we jump on the bus or tube. Air travel - has been in a proliferated state for over 50 years already!
“Green” activists - are hardly boycotting air travel though - are they? Still go on their chattering classes holidays abroad by PLANE ain’t they? Is there ANYONE on this board - who’s ever been to the other side of the world NOT by flights■■?
Even reducing the entourage of people like Greta Thunberg - would help the environment if you think about it - by reducing man-made environmental damage, rather than “cutting emissions”.

The Greenists - have been barking up the wrong tree all along.

“Create less additive crap” is the answer
“Cut down on natural emissions” which lead to either a cull of Mankind and/or being asked to hold our collective breaths in the years to come otherwise. :bulb:

Yup watermelon activists,Green on the outside red on the inside.The whole Green- movement has long been a busted flush.I made a recent call to Greenpeace central,asking if two enormous Dutch owned,Romanian crewed factory trawlers,currently hoovering up the bass and cod stocks off the Isle Of Wight,was on their collective radar.Retorts given of the most machine,-tooled,generation snowflake cobblers you could possibly imagine.(Global warming) seemingly the all conquering,go-to mantra.

You can be fined if caught taking home the odd bass from the shoreline and yet these leviathons plough on relentlessly,been here for many a long month,probably with nets the size of Cardiff,just a complete mockery of anything resembling sustainable.All modern charities,conservation bodies have been long compromised by so called (common purpose) Tavistock- Institute directives and they don’t seem to get that we just aren’t buying into the bowlocks.