Car drivers have found another way to save fuel

Already posted here.

I like this quote from Arclid’s website!

Our service is our strength. We have developed an unsurpassed reputation for delivery where you want it, when you want it - swiftly and safely…

Can’t see any mention of the incident on their website!

Murder dosent get reported in the press these days so why should this? (if its genuine)

I reckon its a photoshop

Just found this on YouTube.

Is it for real ■■

only the 4th time its been posted this week so far :wink:

repost for the 4th time in 2 days

I think its some sort of viral.
It looks as if they have attached the car to the front of the lorry using some sort of rig like they do in films.
If it was real the tyres would of been ripped off and sparks would of been coming from the rims, also if you look there is a gap between the truck and car as you can see the lorry lights and also the reflection of the lights in the side of the car, surely you would not see any of them if the lorry was pushing into the car.

Anybody thought to contact Arclid to find out if it is genuine?

Probably one for Rikki, I think!

Not guilty your honour… How in the name of all that’s holy did he not realise he had a new grill decoration. Looks like part of the M25 around heathrow■■?

A1/M1 split at Bramham (Yorkshire)

i had that happen to me in inverness with an 8 wheeler tipper,car came off the slip road an kept coming,caught front n/s corner while still going forward,as the back quarter of her car got to my n/s corner she spun across the front of me but she didnt brake and kept going across the front of me again the back quarter got it at the o/s corner and she spun off me into the barrier as i was in the outside lane to let the traffic filter out and i was at max weight,i was doing about 45 mph at the time

Time for new underwear ?

Surely to God you couldn’t do that without realising it■■?

must be a common occurence with Arclid drivers on the A1 then :wink:


Don’t ever cut me up again !!! :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

must be a common occurence with Arclid drivers on the A1 then :wink:


I had a quick look to see if it was already on here but couldn’t find it. (I’m not trawling through all the posts, especially when the titles dont really give a clue to their content). Anyway its worth another look.

that is unbelievable… :open_mouth: how could he not know he had hit a car… :question:

I agree, I hadn’t seen it before and AFAIAA there is no rule about discussing something just because it may have been discussed before by different folk.

If I read a thread which appears to replicate another, then I personally just move on without passing comment :wink:

Sorry to say but that [zb] is giving us all a very bad name dont you think and should be[zb] banged up and the key chucked away :imp: :imp:

Put it this way, the mirca driver will know in future not to cut up trucks. A hard lesson?

bloody nora!!