C1 question

Thanks for your reply too Peter!

Peter Smythe:

if you was booked in for a cat C1 test and turned up at the test centre in a cat C vehicle would they continue with the test, and if so what category would you get on your licence if you passed ?

The examiner would make a call to confirm licence entitlement. The test, if passed, would give a normal CAT C licence.

OK thanks, shame the OP didn’t check his licence and keep quiet about the vehicle then :smiley:

The first time I drove a 7.5 tonner, it seemed pretty big to be fair. I was about 21 and the biggest thing I had driven was a Transit.

The company I worked for needed to deliver some sports equipment, and the fella who was going to do it couldn’t for one reason or another. I piped up that I had driven 7.5t’s loads of times and was promptly given the keys :grimacing:

I really enjoyed it and it didn’t take long to get confident. Fast forward twenty odd years, and I now view rigid drivers in the same category as cyclists and perverts. Funny old world… :wink:

I chose to do my lessons and test in an 18t, manual 4 over 4 gearbox! Think you should need to drive an 18 for C and need to go manual as well!

Done mine in an 18t 4 over 4 manual was “51” plate in 2016, was a brilliant experience, Made adjusting to all rigids at work easy as the training vehicle was a beast to drive for a newbie!! Lol artic was done in a much newer ex stobbie 60 plate FH auto which was a breeze to drive in comparison [emoji3][emoji3]

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