British road Services

Yes Dave and we’re supposed to be more sensible the older we get thats a load of phoohy if you ask me.
thanks harry long retired.

Yes Dave and we’re supposed to be more sensible the older we get thats a load of phoohy if you ask me.
thanks harry long retired.

There’s a lot on here that read our posts would agree with you there Harry.

Hi Chris, do you get snow on the Isle of Man, I mean apart from the mountain. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Norman Ingram:
Hi Chris, do you get snow on the Isle of Man, I mean apart from the mountain. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Aye,we get snow on t’mountains and even on the coast.And we have gritters and ploughs like this one on Prospect Hill in Douglas.

They don’t bother keeping the hill roads open when there are alternative routes available.They reckon it’s better to use the resources where they are most needed.I live on a hill which is one way - uppards.So they had a six-wheeled tipper loaded with salt/grit and backed it down,spreading by hand,makes sense.

Mind you,there will be some moaning sod complaining that the bloody beach wasn’t gritted. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
And we have snow ducks as well,they migrate from Workington to here.

Chris why not hook t’isle onto a big tug and get it towed down and into the Med somewhere just off Gibralter would be fine no snow problems there and just think of the savings that would make and the tourist trade would benefit year round bookings you’re all wealthy now but all that currant bun would make you all as rich as old Norm, and he might even put Douglas on his port of call list when he finally treats us to that cruise he could even make the stopover coincide with the TT racing and then we can all get mortal and that will add more coin to you’re coffers i think i’m putting you into a win win situation.
thanks harry long retired.

Chris why not hook t’isle onto a big tug and get it towed down and into the Med somewhere just off Gibralter would be fine no snow problems there and just think of the savings that would make and the tourist trade would benefit year round bookings you’re all wealthy now but all that currant bun would make you all as rich as old Norm, and he might even put Douglas on his port of call list when he finally treats us to that cruise he could even make the stopover coincide with the TT racing and then we can all get mortal and that will add more coin to you’re coffers i think i’m putting you into a win win situation.
thanks harry long retired.

Good idea Harry.In fact if I put a sail up in t’middle of island it would move with this bloody gale blowing - only trouble it’s a south-easterly so would end up somewhere round Belfast,opposite way from Gibraltar - a place I’ve always wanted to go to. :smiley:

Chris why not hook t’isle onto a big tug and get it towed down and into the Med somewhere just off Gibralter would be fine no snow problems there and just think of the savings that would make and the tourist trade would benefit year round bookings you’re all wealthy now but all that currant bun would make you all as rich as old Norm, and he might even put Douglas on his port of call list when he finally treats us to that cruise he could even make the stopover coincide with the TT racing and then we can all get mortal and that will add more coin to you’re coffers i think i’m putting you into a win win situation.
thanks harry long retired.

Good idea Harry.In fact if I put a sail up in t’middle of island it would move with this bloody gale blowing - only trouble it’s a south-easterly so would end up somewhere round Belfast,opposite way from Gibraltar - a place I’ve always wanted to go to. :smiley:

Hi Harry,
They could always turf the people off the I O M,and move the Polar Bears in,as its getting too warm in the North Pole for them,they would make the TT race’s a bit more interesting. :arrow_right: :laughing: :laughing:
Cheers Dave.

Dave the Renegade:
Hi Harry,
They could always turf the people off the I O M,and move the Polar Bears in,as its getting too warm in the North Pole for them,they would make the TT race’s a bit more interesting. :arrow_right: :laughing: :laughing:
Cheers Dave.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Good idea Dave,only thing is some of the TT enthusiasts from Deutschland are bigger than Polar bears so it wouldn’t really mek any difference.
Anyroad,if I got turfed off would you have me in the Welsh Borders and if so could you get me a job on one of them 360 bhp Scania 6-legger tippers?

Was reading about polar bears, and they are the only animals who actually go out of their way to hunt humans and will actually stalk them, many animals will kill humans for food but only if we get in their way or go near them crocs and alligators are the main ones but they don’t actually hunt people,they are just opportunists, and what this load of rubbish has to do with Frenchy’s red and rust thread beats me, he’ll be giving me the sack.
thanks harry long retired.

Was reading about polar bears, and they are the only animals who actually go out of their way to hunt humans and will actually stalk them, many animals will kill humans for food but only if we get in their way or go near them crocs and alligators are the main ones but they don’t actually hunt people,they are just opportunists, and what this load of rubbish has to do with Frenchy’s red and rust thread beats me, he’ll be giving me the sack.
thanks harry long retired.

Hiya H Polar Bears !!! I was watching Bill’y Connoll’ys journey thro’ Hudsons bay in Canada last night and when he set of on a camping trip they gave him an arosol spray to squirt at any polar bears that came near but it was only effective if the Bear got within 3 meters of you !! ■■■■ that for a game of cowboys !!

Was reading about polar bears, and they are the only animals who actually go out of their way to hunt humans and will actually stalk them, many animals will kill humans for food but only if we get in their way or go near them crocs and alligators are the main ones but they don’t actually hunt people,they are just opportunists, and what this load of rubbish has to do with Frenchy’s red and rust thread beats me, he’ll be giving me the sack.
thanks harry long retired.

A bit like Deutschlanders then Harry.
If you are worried about Frenchy let me see if I can find a BRS photo to keep the thread summat like :smiley:

Here you are Harry,nice local job.Just watch that front overhang :laughing:

Or you can go on t’sugar beet job out of Bury St Edmunds depot.

Let me know and I’ll put yer name down :smiley:

Chris if that Leyland legger isn’t pulling that bus i demand a trailer like a proper driver.
thanks harry long retired.

Chris if that Leyland legger isn’t pulling that bus i demand a trailer like a proper driver.
thanks harry long retired.

Harry, if you want to tow buses over Shap up to Scotland nip into Kaye Goodfellows in Manchester althought I am not sure if they have still got the Trolly Bus contract :laughing: .

Regards Steve.

Chris if that Leyland legger isn’t pulling that bus i demand a trailer like a proper driver.
thanks harry long retired.

Sorry pal.I’ll see if I can find one…

Look,there’s one dropped at the back of this AEC MK3 MM.It might be a bit too long but I’m sure you’ll cope - have you got a good trailer lad and a good knotted rope? :smiley: Oh,tha’ll need a dolly convertor for it as well.


Chris if that Leyland legger isn’t pulling that bus i demand a trailer like a proper driver.
thanks harry long retired.

Harry, if you want to tow buses over Shap up to Scotland nip into Kaye Goodfellows in Manchester althought I am not sure if they have still got the Trolly Bus contract :laughing: .

Regards Steve.

Morning Steve,just got up? :smiley:

Hi Chris, sorry I have only just noticed the last post :blush: . I am sure that you are coping quite well with all that snow in The I.O.M. and I was wondering when they say that it’s slippery under foot over there how can it be when the locals are supposed to have three of them :confused: . Sorry Chris I am only pulling your leg, the middle one :laughing: .
Try and get Harry and Dave to get that mainsail rigged up and and I shall look out for you in a couple of months in Gibralter, it’s sounding like Normans dreamboat has been scuppered for the moment until he gets his end of year tax back :cry: .

Steve remember well the trolley buses running round Glasgow their demise was a bit premature and i bet they wish they was still running them what with the price of derv and maintainance costs for diesel engined vehicles, how many places have returned tramways to their streets, to maintain the electrics in trollies and trams was minimal and in conjunction with wind powered generators could have cut greenhouse gases by a huge margin, some people can’t see beyond the end of their noses.
thanks harry long retired.

Steve remember well the trolley buses running round Glasgow their demise was a bit premature and i bet they wish they was still running them what with the price of derv and maintainance costs for diesel engined vehicles, how many places have returned tramways to their streets, to maintain the electrics in trollies and trams was minimal and in conjunction with wind powered generators could have cut greenhouse gases by a huge margin, some people can’t see beyond the end of their noses.
thanks harry long retired.

Hiya H some of them old Glasgow trams are alive and in good order running in Hong Kong ! they dont mess about with minor details like exceeding the passenger numbers you just keep piling on until the car is full but if you are at the back and you want to be off you have to ram your way thro’ all the chinks a lot of whom are eating their snap so there is noodles flying everywhere!! They don’t have conductors either you just sling your fare into the trough when you get on very high tech for an old tram 70 odd years old!! Cheers Bewick

Bewick was in Hong Kong in 1954 remember the trams was there then but i doubt they would have been ex Glasgow corporation in those days, and while we’re on why not put overhead cables along motorways and electrify the road haulage industry after all the modern stuff runs in convoy nothing able to overtake bit like the boring formula one the first one in front stays there, not like the old days when stuff used to pass each other you can’t beat a bit of dicing, i think in this day and age i would be bored silly with all that power and speed capability sitting there at less than 60 mph it would drive me crazy.
thanks harry long retired.