Advice on dash cams

Can anybody offer advice the dash cam they have and where to get a new one?

Also does anybody know how I can load DVDs at home onto my Samsung Galaxy tab e and will I need a wifi dongle when I’m on the road.

Many thanks in advance

HI mate. I’d say, regarding the DVD’s, I don’t think you can play them in the dvd format on your tab and would need converting to a video format that is compatible with your device first, then transfer them. If you have a PC, you could use a PC programme called Handbrake for ripping and converting and it’s free… If you google ‘using handbrake to rip dvd’, can give you some pointers on that.

If your tab doesn’t have inbuilt wifi, then a dongle would be the way I would go (again, as long as it’s a dongle that’s compatible with your tab).

On the dash cam issue, afraid I can’t help but I’m also interested in this myself so will be looking about the net and here for info.


The best dashcam out there seems to be the Nextbase 512G from all the research I’ve done, and infact I just bought one. They seem to be one of the few which works at night, in bright sunlight and shows numberplates properly which is a big headache with some of them.

Currently available from Amazon for £150 and Ebay for £142. You do also need a 32GB Class 10 Micro SDHC Card as for some reason it doesn’t include one, even a little one.

Can’t help however with the DVD problem, but you can buy fairly cheap DVD players although finding one that charges on 12v and 24v is something I’ve not tried.

I would also recommend the Nextbase 512G as I have just bought one of those myseld, daytime brilliant, night time hard to read a number plate under most circumstances unless stationary and within a short distance.

The polarising filter stops screen reflection really well.