4 on 4 off 12hr night shift pay

As anybody done 4 on 4 off 12hr night shifts weekly pay, If so do you get paid for 4 days some weeks and 3 days other weeks.

As anybody done 4 on 4 off 12hr night shifts weekly pay, If so do you get paid for 4 days some weeks and 3 days other weeks.

I’m salaried, so get the same every week. Some companies pay hourly/day rate, so for 4 weeks you only get paid for three days.

Cheers for that.

Yeah I was salaried on this shift pattern too. Even though it was paid weekly and wasn’t called a salary :laughing: but yeah I got the same each week.

Basically I questioned the gaffer and it went something like this…

Me: “Are we salaried?”
Him: “No you just get the same each week regardless of working Monday to Thursday or Thursday to Sunday. You don’t feel the enhanced weekend rates but they’re made up on the weeks you don’t work a weekend”
Me: “So we are salaried then”
Him: “No”


I’ve worked for a few company’s doing 4 on 4 off 12 hour nights, and have been paid in 2 different ways, depending on the company.

  1. My weekly pay was averaged across the year, meaning I was paid the same each week.
  2. I was paid for 3 or 4 nights for the weeks in which I worked 3 or4 nights respectively. (3-day weeks for 4 consecutive weeks, followed by 4-day weeks for 4 consecutive weeks).

I prefered getting the same pay each week.

Cheers toonsy and eazydriver. It just seems some 4 weeks you work 4 nights and get paid for 3.

Where I work they balance our wages every week. Some weeks they take some hours off of us and others they give them back to balance. Works out well as you always know where you will be.
Any overtime is paid as well. We are hourly paid

As anybody done 4 on 4 off 12hr night shifts weekly pay, If so do you get paid for 4 days some weeks and 3 days other weeks.

It is depend from company.Near all NFT drivers work 4on 4 off.But NFT make pay leveling .They pay every week 42 hours.