2.15 AM


Not a cat in hells chance that I could do nights on long term, bad for your health and reduces your life span. Can’t see any money compensating that. Night drivers always look ill to me, no colour to them or sparkle in their eyes. Not saying everyone as I am sure some will take to it ok, but in general, you can usually tell a night worker from a normal worker. It isn’t normal and it certainly wouldn’t suit me. Studies have been done on this subject and it is a scientific fact that long term night working does indeed shorten your lifespan as well as cause a lot of health issues.

I’m sure that’s of great comfort to all you daywalkers when you’re sat in heavy traffic on the M25 - M6 - M whatever sucking in all those toxic concentrated fumes, did I mention us night workers rarely see heavy congestion? :wink:

I’ve found that the people who struggle with nights are the same people that never really truly adapt to nights, they still try living their lives as if they were day men, and that’s where the zombie pasty faced ill looking people stem from.

I am sure some adapt better than others. Just not for me, I have done nights and understand your advantages of quieter roads etc, have a read of this though.