Vehicle Walkround checks and Defect reporting

Is it written down any where that you have to do a minimum of 15 mins walk round check


mr vosa expects a nil defect every day and your tacho should show other work at the start of your shift to show that you have done your checks

as i try to avoid them at all costs i hope i dont have to find out if your right or wrong

Somebody must have a few things to hide if you try to avoid VOSA at all cost,nothing to hide nothing to be bothered about

I try to avoid them as well, nothing to hide just can’t stand being told what is what by some ■■■■ who knows f all about the job

Apparently Sainsburys allows their drivers 45 mins for a walkround check…

Is it written down any where that you have to do a minimum of 15 mins walk round check

There’s no legal time requirement for vehicle checks.

There wasn’t when this thread started in 2010 either :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Apparently Sainsburys allows their drivers 45 mins for a walkround check…

More like 45 mins to check unit, check then hook up to trailer and get out the gate that’s what our firm like us to do whenever possible.

I like to show 15mins at start of shift and 5 to 10 at end.
End of week gets a full 30mins although most of this time is spent chatting with the lads about the previous weeks adventures.

I like to show 15mins at start of shift and 5 to 10 at end.
End of week gets a full 30mins although most of this time is spent chatting with the lads about the previous weeks adventures.

When you mean “previous weeks adventures” do you mean “previous weeks ■■■■■■ exploits” ? :smiley:

Apparently Sainsburys allows their drivers 45 mins for a walkround check…

This is mostly true as it’s 45 mins to check the vehicle and leave the depot (well it is for the depot I work out of). We have a daily check sheet which we have to fill out. As we have a mix of rigids and unit and trailers, if you take out out a unit and trailer you can have up to 3 of each on one check sheet but the rigids have to do a new sheet for each one you take out. We also have to do a scratch sheet for every vehicle you take out and if you don’t do it security won’t let you out of the gate. If we have a defect we tell the office and fill out the defect book. If it’s a running repair it gets sorted when we get back. If it’s not then we wait for the fitter to come out and fix it or they transgip the load onto another vehicle.

I do it like a man whos not intimidated and harassed by ticks on a piece of paper turn on engine have a good check then put card in and drive if there was a defect you would not be driving it simple if they want prof at end of week i do the whole weeks ticks in front of them it takes about two minutes

bald bloke:

I like to show 15mins at start of shift and 5 to 10 at end.
End of week gets a full 30mins although most of this time is spent chatting with the lads about the previous weeks adventures.

When you mean “previous weeks adventures” do you mean “previous weeks ■■■■■■ exploits” ? :smiley:

Yep, they eagerly await my fictitious coitus tales, which is good fun as they all know I’m talking out me bottom.
Ironically that was last weeks tall story when I hooked up with a lady who’s breath was so bad I looked forward to her ■■■■■.

At our place, any defect gets reported and we get issued a defect number to show its been logged by the company. We write what truck were in that day and what trailer we had on our time sheet so we can try and catch problem issues.


Wheel Nut:
Nil defect books for every vehicle, not every driver and then you can prove or disprove a defect has just happened and the inplace system works, a lorry with a defect book with bald tyres showing for a week will get further questions asked I am sure.

agree with Wheel Nut.
i drive the same truck, 99.9% of the time, but the daily defect sheets i fill out, are in a book, relevant, to, the truck i’m driving on any given day. at the end of the week, the relevant sheets, i’ve filled in, and removed, from said book, are handed in with my timesheets, tacho’s, receipts, etc.
i also do these daily checks, as the tacho/card goes in, at start of shift, and we are given, 15 mins to do this, so, as its getting to that time of the year, keep a tortch handy, in case you get a tug, off of v.o.s.a :wink:[tell vosa to buy there owne tortch]


just wandering, what are the rules in your company for the above? how do you do them? i.e do you onlyhand in a defect sheet if the vehicle or trailer has a defect or do you hand in NIL defect sheets every week? also, If you just hand one in if there is a defect, what system do you have to follow to show you have done a daily walk round check i.e if you were to get pulled by VOSA?

Hope you can help


we do one every day if no defects we write nil but still have to fill 1 out every day the company allow us 15 min every morning to do a check

every time we get a truck we fill in defect/damage sheet,hand it in to t.o who photo copy defect side which we carry with us just incase we get pulled
any faults that can be rectified are done there and then,or its v.o.rd and we get different truck trailer
UNLESS YOUR NAMES FIONA :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

mr vosa expects a nil defect every day and your tacho should show other work at the start of your shift to show that you have done your checks

mr vosa expects a nil defect every day and your tacho should show other work at the start of your shift to show that you have done your checks

as i try to avoid them at all costs i hope i dont have to find out if your right or wrong

Nil defect books for every vehicle, not every driver and then you can prove or disprove a defect has just happened and the inplace system works, a lorry with a defect book with bald tyres showing for a week will get further questions asked I am sure.

But if there is no damage or defects do you still hand the sheet in every day?

And what about trailers?