Bob paul - r . i . p

Archie Paice:
Like many on here I never actually met Bob Paul. I knew his name, having heard it many times mentioned in many places, always with great respect. And I had a great admiration for him from that. My condolences go to all the family. And to Bob, Rest in peace Sir.
Archie Paice.

I also never met Bob Paul but his name was one of those that was mentioned often when a few drivers were talking together. With the publishing of The Long Haul Pioneers I have a feeling that Bobs life could of been a very happy one over the last few months because of Ashleys book. The name Bob Paul, will probably be remembered in the history of British transport for many decades to come.
My condolences go out to his family, his friends and to all his ex work mates.
R.I.P. Bob Paul, driver and adventurer.