So why Trucking?

I always enjoyed driving.
I did go to college then Uni and got an alright degree (IT) but I’m not great socially and being stuck in an office dealing with all the ‘office politics’, or having to sit through meetings, or work in teams etc doesn’t really fit my personality type nor interest me.

When I left Uni I was looking at jobs I could do and the only qualification that I found particularly useful was my driving licence. So I did van delivery driving for Tesco.
This young girl came and I was out with her on her first day, but she was a better driver than me tbh, she was an ex-bus driver just looking for a stop gap job after getting sacked and she really put the idea in my head (“Why don’t you do bus driving?”). More money I thought… and it wasn’t much longer after that that I did.
The passengers wore me down after a couple of years but I still liked the driving and the extra money… lorry drivers seemed to have it a bit better… so I thought why not.
No regrets so far!