Had one hell of a day

dave docwra:


If I’d hurt myself at work I’d be telling transport and telling them they needed to sort it and I’d go home.

Sammy you have done really well in such a short time to become a font of knowledge, now try not to become a [zb].

I suppose you come from a generation where you will go home if you get a paper cut.

Sounds about right I reck. :smiley: …off sick with a broken sat nav. :laughing:

Don’t want to come the super hero :sunglasses: (but I will anyhow :laughing: ) I once turned my ankle while parked up, it swelled up like a ■■■■ balloon. :open_mouth:
I was on my way to Southend next morning, the firm had just won this job, so it had to be there…, and being that it was a bloody good firm who looked after me, I just went for it.
(There will be footage of me just about hoping to the bogs on Birchangar MSA somewhere :smiley: )
Tipped and went to A&E, if I had not been wearing high Army boots they reckoned it would have broke.
Would I do it now? …no chance, different days, different circumstances, and different firm.

(Btw That incident and this one are 15 years apart, so I ain’t the Frank Spencer of the trucking world before anybody says it. :laughing: )