Win Seering - some predictions for the near future

Today, let’s try and see the difference between “Good Conspiracy” and “Bad Conspiracy”.

We have a two-party political system in this country, where a load of people would never vote for their diametrically opposite political party to them…
For everyone else in-between that can be sold to…

THEY get to decide the results of general elections.

That being said, we’ve heard lots of negative reasons from both Left and Right as to this Coronavirus involving some conspiracy or other…

“It is the Chinese Government”
“It is the Zionists”
“It is the Tories”
“It is the Anarchists”
“It is Exctinction Rebellion”…

If one steps back for a moment, and considers the maxim “Fortune Passes Everywhere”…

Just because the Green Lobby have benefited out of this lock-down - doesn’t mean they are behind it.
Just because Boris, Prince Charles, and other rich and famous types “didn’t actually die” - doesn’t mean that they engineered this.
Just because no bank has gone bust yet - doesn’t mean the Zionists are upto their old tricks again…
Nor is it “Stealth Terrorism” nor “5th Columnists” upto no good.

So let’s look at some GOOD things that might not just come, but stay after this crisis is over…

…Public health via immunity - might leave us all (wider humanity) with better resistances to all kinds of other ailments and pathogens…
…If wages fall but the cost of living falls faster still (as usually happens in a “deflationary crash” - we’ll soon see one of the most creative generations of talent in our lifetimes.
Think of all the household names that started up on the 30’s for instance, either born that decade, grew up in that decade, or founded a company in that decade…
“Lean and Fit - the veritable Charles Atlas Seal of Approval”?

Art and Music - Cartoons, Bands, fully-trained Medical personnel…

…Only this time around, no matter how low wages go - we have the safety net of the Minimum wage - something we didn’t have during the depression years, nor during the wars, nor even during the cold war…
Firms can only duck their wages so below before they have to put something non-monetary on the table to entice staff to come sign up with their firm, rather than their rivals…

NOT “Perks and Freebies” I’d suggest, but rather just the quiet respect that makes each valued member of staff actually FEEL valued. Where “seniority” is about how old you are rather than how long you’ve worked for the company… Where takehome pay is better in real terms, because your pay dropping meant your taxes dropping faster still…

It is possible to prosper during a downturn.
Being prepared for what is coming - is half that battle, of course.

We may now enter a time where “Big Business is Doomed” - but not the wider public.
We had an Oil Glut a week ago that saw people being paid to 2x2 barrels on a pallet away for a payment of $100 to anyone with a pickup truck to take it, and a barn somewhere in the deep south to store it.

Who’s to say we might not see such a “glut” happening with regards to food and drink next?
Alcohol seems to be strangely on special offer at supermarkets, although it isn’t so strange if one thinks that “Parties have been banned”, but I’d humbly suggest that it has never been cheaper to get sloshed in the comfort of your own armchair in front of a TV at home than now…
Supermarkets - seem to be struggling more with this “social distancing” thing than smaller outlets, especially corner shops who can set their own rules to suit:
It is hard to see the old Supermarket Turnover ever recover, especially whilst the lock-down continues…
CORNER shops on the other hand - already had signs outside such as “Only two schoolkids at a time in this shop” or “No dogs except Guide Dogs”.
Their through-put rate of customers spending cash at the till - won’t have dropped by nearly as much as any kind of “Superstore”…

…What I’m getting at here - is we might now have the start of a “Small Shopkeeper’s Revolution” where people just don’t need to go far to meet all their nutritional and cullinary needs…
A lot of Eaterie outlets will fail, but those that survive - will outrageously thrive!

People who used to commute 50+ miles to work 5 days per week to a paper or air job that paid barely enough extra to make such a long trip worth-while - might decide having coped with being stuck in their own towns and villages for a while - that they can take a local job, take a pay cut and STILL be better off, their presence on the highway - no longer being a thorn in the side of us pro drivers, to boot!

The Economy - will not have a ‘V’ shaped recovery alas, nor even a fast “'U” shaped one…

It WILL come back totally CHANGED however.

People Gain
Green Interests Gain
Small Shops Gain
Local creators gain.
UK Gains
USA Gains
Russia Gains
India Gains


Banks Fail
Big Business Fails
Overseas outlets for our cash - fail.
China Fails
The EU fails
Brazil Fails
Africa Fails

All we Brits have to do - is sit tight, and realize we are in one of the best lifeboats on the planet right now. :bulb: