Win Seering - some predictions for the near future

So David Icke has had his live stream busted - because people were speaking on there of a connection between 5G and the CoronaVirus…

It always struck me as being a bit daft to “get people to ingore a conspiracy theory” and then effectively bump it to the top of everyone’s attention span…?!

Just as we can make comparisons to the 1975 original “Survivors” series…

There’s another series I remember as a kid from the same year - “The Changes” 1975…

A strange electromagnetic transmission - adversely affects the mental health of the entire population - making them turn against metal man-made objects in particular…

(Works OK via adblock, no subtitles, ads - clean kids programme, no swearing. Contains some domestic abuse towards domestic appliances…)

Let’s see Boris Johnson hurry up and get better, and then kick this previously intended 5G hookup - into touch…
“It’s the only way to be sure”.