Shipping out of and into Poole

Hi Richard hope you and Angie are keeping well, I never knew you were a medical expert as well as taking up your position at the Bar but one learns something every day. On the above mentioned John Glance IIRC he was of American descendance, remember a maroon F88/9 he had saw him in TIP’s yard in West Quay road one day and from memory he liked to ship out on a Friday to Italy with his ski’s on the roof rack, then he stopped off in the Aosta valley for the weekend, up on the ski lift for some rar, mind you Micky Long used to do that but he never had any ski’s he just went up to get ■■■■■■■ Mary Hopkins rides again, Buzzer

Hi John,

Thanks we are keeping safe thanks, hope you and The Boss are taking care. You are right about John Glance I think his Father had travelled around with his job, and he liked his skiing,I’ve seen Kevin take a couple of tilt boards out of the trailer and come down Mt Blanc on them tied to his feet !
