Win Seering - some predictions for the near future

Why are we worried about a Recession now? - This is way beyond that already.

I read a book five years ago that spoke of a deflationary crash brought about by attempts to unify the world without waging wars to do it…

Among the predictions were that interest rates would go negative, ALL “investments” would be down - bar one:

The USD.

Looks like it is coming to pass - in spades!

Everything is cheaper in a deflationary spiral - but people cannot afford to buy stuff, because they are now totally skint, either having their savings stripped by negative interest rates, lost it on the stock markets, or spent it trying to keep up with energy retailers totally taking the ■■■■ all the time, as they still are.

Petrol - down from $2 per gallon at the start of the year to 66cents right now… A two-thirds drop in price… What have we seen at the pumps?

114.9 at best, with lots of forecourts still charging 120p+ and MSAs still charging nearly 150…
Total jokers - and they should be taken out and flogged!

Diesel meanwhile - has dropped through $1 per gallon for the first time in many years as of today.

The “Safe Haven” investments of Gold and Bonds - ain’t no good any more, because people are now flogging this stuff - to cover their losses elsewhere in investment land…

The only thin going off the charts - the USD - is reaching the kind of levels not seen since Nixon took the greenback off the gold standard back in the 70’s…


Banks will start to fail like in 2008 - but this time - without a taxpayer bailout, bearing in mind that we’re already skint, and there are just too many people not paying taxes to make such a bailout work for a “once bitten, twice shy” time.

Who are the main groups of people set to lose out from all this?

(1) People who thought they never took any financial risks in their lives.
(a) Gold plated pensions - defaulted now.
(b) Safe investments and savings accounts - Defaulted, with the government unable to bail people out, except with printed money
(c) Plum well-paid jobs? - Who’s job is safe when demand has thus collapsed due to this “shutdown”?

(2) People who’s job is essentially a “Camp Follower”…
(a) Living off the custom of people considerabwy wicher than yeu - only to find those wealthy types, either now busted, or hiding their continued prosperity away, for fear of “resentment reprisal” attacks…
(b) The financially uneducated unable to make money in a recession.
(c) Producers of A non-essential good, and now obsolete “service”. Travel Agents, Tattoists, all other “Artists” and “Musicians”…

(3) People in the “Entertainments” sector.
(a) If you cannot go out - you don’t need pubs, clubs, and other social venues any longer.
(b) If you’ve got no money, you won’t want to commute to other towns paying through the nose for joke fuel prices
(c) If you’ve got no money, you won’t want to go out at all.
(d) Entertainers - who can entertain people “at home” - will continue to function. Netflix actors & Pornhub exhibitionists - are on the up, with Televized Sports - very much on the down.

Who prospers?

People who can still DO stuff rather than rely on others to do it for them.
Services such as Labouring, Driving, Building, Repairing.
“Make do and Mend” - is back in vogue - but do people actually KNOW how to do this?

Who’s left that had long lectures from grandparents “Wot I did in the war when I woz doing my bit”?

The Euro and USD are now so expensive - that only their own people will be well-provided for out of it.
That’s America able to weather this storm under Trump rule - but Euroland■■?

A well-fed discontent population who are now “long term unemployed” with an axe to grind…?
The ultimate “Devil making work for idle hands” there…

Mark my words - there will be trouble on the mainland that dwarfs anything the Nazis did in 1940…

Meanwhile, back in Blighty - We have Boris Johnson, who considers himself a Churchillian expert guided by Dominic ■■■■■■■■■ an unabashed Machiavellian - turning this country into the upstanding beacon in the world - just as Churchill himself did in 1940 when we were offered the chance of peace with Germany - only to reject it out-of-hand, to fight them to the last instead.

It isn’t “CoronaVirus” that’ll kill the masses - it will be people over-reacting in different ways to what I still believe is a massively over-stated threat.
People are being made to be scared of “Phantoms” just like in the 1980’s when “Maggies Millions” (Of which I was one…) were made to be scared of the “Bomb Dropping” and thus forget about that lack of job and prospects that we REALLY should be upset and rioting about all the time…

Comparisons to the 1930’s?

If the country gets given free printed money - then it won’t be as bad as the 1930’s.

If the world tries the same old solutions that don’t work against the same old problems - it’ll be a whole lot WORSE than the 1930’s

WWII - brought the 30’s slump to an end.
I don’t believe an “Apocalypse” would be something to look forward to THIS time around - to end our current predicament. :frowning:

If I’m WRONG about all this of course, and Coronavirus is all too real and as big a threat as we’re being told…

Then better get on your collective knees - whilst you still can!
It is arguable if it is better to be “one of the 25%” or “one of the survivors envying them”. :frowning: