The humble Ford D series



Am I imagining it but were some of the early D Series made with a fixed (non tilting) cab but fitted with a removeable cab floor instead as an option? I seem to remember something about it at the time but that was a long while ago now! :blush: I know that Albion made their Ergomatic cabs in a non tilting version and you could tell the difference as there was no ‘join’ in the front wings, we inherited one at Tilcon from Oxted Greystone Lime, but I had a feeling Ford offered the same option originally? Wikipedia doesn’t mention it though. :confused:


I have no recollection of that at all.

The reason for the option was to make it more useful for a luton.

Thankyou for confirming it Tony, I thought that might have been the reason. Generally most Luton bodies I encountered had a flap anyway (not so today with horseboxes though it seems! :unamused: ) so I’m guessing the option wasn’t popular, although those Pantechnicons with a cab built into the body (integral is the word I’m searching for! :blush: ) would have found it usefull.
