Win Seering - some predictions for the near future

When Blair got elected in 1997, there was no mention of turning Britain into a free-for-all destination for NON EU immigrants, nor turning our country into a surveillance society…
When Cleggy & Cameron took power in 2010 - there was no mention of going for AV instead of PR nor letting Student fees rise, nor “Austerity”… Osbourne borrowed more in five years than Brown did in double that time, after all… If anything, Cleggy was expected to go into coalition with Brown in any 2010 prospective hung parliament - but alas, the Libdems net lost just enough seats that such a two-way coalition was not possible…

Fast forward to 2015, where Cameron clearly disappointed with winning an outright majority on the “holding an in/out referendum ticket” - threw himself under the bus, totally unnecessarily, rather than actually clean up his own mess…

In 2017 May made the mistake of “not explaining how she was going to complete Brexit”…
In 2019 - Corbyn made exactly the same mistake. How could he slag off a “Damaging Tory Brexit” - when clearly having NO plans of his own to complete the “Labour Way” - despite him supposedly being in favour of a hard enough Brexit so a prospective Hard Left Labour government could re-nationalize all the foreign-owned utilities by that age-old favourite of “Confiscation”… (I would have voted for Corbyn had he declared his intent honestly there - but no…) :blush:

I might also had voted for Corbyn had he explained how he was going to implement Universal Benefits when the Tories couldn’t even implement Universal Credit… Not for lack of funds, if one is borrowing - neither of them!

We are where we are, with Boris now going to spend five years pretending to do stuff, and hopefully surprising us one day by “not doing the stuff he promised that we didn’t want anyways” but rather implement a load of hidden agenda but Pro Britain stuff, such as the very hardest of Brexits that brings the entire EU establishment DOWN…

There’s something big and rather dangerous looking coming over the Horizon - and it ain’t “Dennis the Menace”!

Here’s hoping…