Win Seering - some predictions for the near future

We’re anything but anywhere out of the EU and going nowhere in that regard.
So first Bojo replaces the few Leavers in his cabinet with yet more Remainers.

Then he throws his remainer Chancellor under the bus because he’s upsetting Bojo’s plans for a waste of space EU instigated rail line costing billions to get a few elites around the country a few minutes quicker.Oh wait what happened to all that extra cash for the NHS.

In addition to expanding London closer to the South Coast than it is already at the expense of the Green Belt areas.

The Tories are a bunch of LibDem in all but name women’s genitalia.The quicker Bojo falls in that ditch while he’s digging the foundations of any of his development sprees, in concreting over what remains of the country, the better.

Then hopefully we can think about replacing these Tory zb’s with a proper Nationalist English Democrats/For Britain alliance.Who hopefully don’t want to concrete over our green and pleasant land for more foreign interests, both Chinese and EU and to meet Bozo’s ongoing open door immigration targets in that regard.