Win Seering - some predictions for the near future

Now that Javid has been cast aside, I will come up with the fresh postulation that:

Javid’s personal team cannot be trusted to take part in a UK financial operation to cut our own financial sector loose from the Euro - because it will trash the Euro in the process!

Javid - used to work for “Dead Bank Walking” - Deutsche Bank.

There’s a clear conflict of interest with him continuing as Chancellor then, with his loose-lipped department aside…

■■■■■■■■ - has already got rid of Sonia Khan of course, using a “Lord Varys” type of ruse to tease the Treasury Mole out… One of them at least.

Demanding that Javid sack his entire support staff - might have backfired, had Javid decided to comply of course.

There’s no point getting rid of any “moles” - if you don’t get rid of the Molemaster with the rest of them - is there?

Let the “War of Banks” - commence!

In the Blue Corner, we have Robin, and in the Red corner - it is River.
That Robin can masquerade in Red - puts our team streets ahead of those who cannot even cry themselves a “River” - let alone shore up their own side of the “Bank” set to be bursting all about us these days…

On the subject of Huawei (Sounds like “True Pain” in German) - I can see an angle there where this soon-to-be build infrastructure - might see the “Chinese Spyware” access - shut off after completion (since we know the built-in backdoor is going to be there in advance…) but what a wheeze for our government to have a snoopable network about the country that even the CIA don’t have access to!
What’s Not-to-like in Britain going PROPER independent, i.e. loose of America as well?

Then there’s HS2… I think this project is a gross waste of Money like a lot of people…

…But… What if you knew that such a huge wave of fresh cash was about to hit the domestic market - we need a soak-up for all that cash OR see it converted into inflationary pressures, especially in those areas outside the domestic sector…

Better that we spend the money internally, employing a UK based workforce to build all that infrastructure - than scrap it entirely, only to see local “northern powerhouse” chancers - blow the lot on supposedly local infrastructure projects instead, that see a load of cash being siphoned off by those types of in-bed-with-politicians business leaders, with the “downside” being that “so much cash disappeared, that local Tory MPs are unable to hold onto their newly-won seats AFTER all”…

Rather than be suspicious about Boris’ latest run of seemingly head-scratching moves then…
I’d rather think of Boris as the biggest conspiracy actor of ALL then - in true Machiavellian style!

Even Isambard Kingdom Brunel - had to lie to a whole boatload of financiers, politicians, and fellow industrialists - to get his stuff built…