Eu referendum whats your vote

Faced with potestors MrJohnson chose to chicken out. Speakig to school kids in photo ops or answering questions selected by his aides on YouTube is more his mark.
I wonder if Mr Bewick is pleased at the performance of Mr Bettel? He seems to have learnt from Mr Trump to ignore diplomatic convention and “tell it like it is”!

But then you know,that like May and Cameron before him and the Conservative Federalist Party in general ( the same party that took us into the 4th Reich ),Johnson is actually one of yours.So spare us the bs false flag act.As for Trump he’s another controlled opposition muppet as would expected of the President of the biggest Federal zb pile on the planet.Which then went one better by trying to create a USE in its own image using German Federalism as the catalyst.Which the krauts then predictably hijacked for their own 4th Reich agenda.Now supported by the same Soviet Socialist type useful idiots as those who allied with the 3rd Reich in 1939.