Eu referendum whats your vote


Done a fair bit of foreign travel myself, roughly the same number of places as you, and I’ll happily admit it’s always good to come back to this country. Wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. ‘My Beloved EU’? By heck Fodenway you really are quick to jump to conclusions. I never said I loved it, never even suggested it was perfect.

It’s a common theme on here that you’re either ‘for’ or ‘against’ the EU. I’m for it I suppose, while admitting it has problems. I don’t think that makes me a ‘stinking federalist’ (to quote our resident ranting mess). It just makes me one of the 48% that voted Remain.
Currently we are in it. We voted to leave, and how we have managed to get to where we are, three years after the vote, shows how massive an issue the EU is.

Can the UK thrive and prosper if we leave with no deal? Well, yes, it can. We only have to read todays papers for confirmation. . . (quote Boris at the G7 Summit) “I think we can get through this, this is a great, great country, the UK, we can easily cope with a no-deal scenario.” He conveniently leaves out details of HOW we’d cope, and comes up short with any detailed plans, but no matter, all we need is a leader reassuring us that this is a ‘great, great country’. Who does that remind me of?

I got your point about the language by the way. Bloody cheek of these foreigners not adopting English.

Yes you’re one of 48% that voted to remain a part of a stinking Federal Europe subject to the even more stinking Lisbon Treaty.

So you admit it’s got ‘problems’.But obviously not enough ‘problems’ for you to say that you’d prefer a Confederal Europe run on individual Nation State lines.Each with the individual right of opt out and substitution and not subject to at worse a Politburo dictatorship or at best a gerrymandered foreign vote imposed across National borders.While assuming you do believe in that then it’s obvious that everyone has to secede from the present Federal mess,before we can rebuild it along the lines of the civilised Confederal arrangement of consenting sovereign Nation States which Europe was always mean’t to be.

Time to put up or shut up as to whether you’re a Federalist or not in that regard. So which is it ?. I won’t hold my breath waiting for an answer.

As for ‘getting through this’ how can we possibly be in an any worse state than allowing a foreign power and foreign mandate to run our country.For the privilege of a massive trade deficit and net contribution.Oh wait you’re obviously on the side of that foreign power not this country.

When I voted back in 2016 I honestly didn’t think the EU was as bad as UKIP and their knuckle-dragging supporters said it was. It didn’t seem to me to be the monster it was being portrayed as. It certainly never entered my head that I was a ‘stinking Federalist’.
It’s been argued over and over that people didn’t know what they were voting for. That’s generalising too much, but I, for one, definitely know more about it now.
What can’t be argued about, however, is that the Tories have made a monumental mess of the whole thing. Corbyn and his cronies wouldn’t have done any better. The whole thing is just too big for any of them.

Yes, the EU has problems, that’s hardly a secret.
Now, get the nurse to bring you your meds and have a lie down. You’ll feel better.