Bus driver sent home lgbt

Frankly I never care who anyone shags as long as both parties are happy.

I also think if it’s against your religious beliefs then why should you.

On the other hand I also think getting your knickers in a twist over some numbers being striped is over reaction.

However, I really disagree with whoever said the driver needs educating. We dont live in N Korea.

Religion and religious beliefs shouldn’t be a 'get out of jail free card".
Children are hurt and even killed in exorcism ceremonies. Their parents believe they are doing the right thing by their religion, so should we allow this to happen? Of course not.
So at what point do we allow some religious beliefs to influence civil society but not others?
So long as a religion has certain tenets that are at odds with civil law or society we will have these issues. The blanket principle that everything in a religion must be tolerated is unsupportable. It will always show conflict between the rights of two groups.
In this case?
Refusing to drive a bus because of the colour of the number?
He’s a drama queen!.
If it was carrying a “Gay is Good” message ten foot high…that may be a good point.
(He’s employed to drive a bus carrying people. The bus number doesn’t affect that. His primary job isn’t to carry slogans or advertise.)