Long Departed Southampton Hauliers (Part 1)

charlie one:
Tony. I have just said goodbye to the First Responders. They were called

in response to my having a bad turn having read the article re me having to

get the beers in at the August Bash. I’m fully recovered now but please don’t

do that again. As you well know I’m an old pensioner who is down on his luck.

I’ve only just got over the scam that was done to me when Richard Duke of Wellow

and myself visited you in hospital. On the way back to his mansion he suggested

that we stop off at a pub and drink lots of beer and stuff ourselves with food.

When we finished he got up and said just going to the loo. See you in the car.

I frantically searched my pockets for cash and then what happened? Yes I found

his DKV card. Happy days! I also gave the waitress a £20 tip. Sorry to go on but

the drugs are starting to kick in.

Just a quick message to Gerbil. I walked round by the old brewery today.

What a sad looking place. Trees growing out of the cracks in the concrete. Windows

smashed etc. Shame.Regards to all. Charlie :laughing: :laughing:

:open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: