Eu referendum whats your vote

As a committed Christian May must be struggling with this, Catholicism has been the cause of great trouble in our History

To be fair as a christened C of E,who obviously some of the more civilised aspects of Catholicism,such as the sanctity of life must have got into,from my mixed marriage grand parentage,it was more a case of the French descended ■■■■ crazed Henry V111 acting as self appointed Church because he wanted more than one wife.Then laughably calling the result the ‘Church of England’ when our last true English King and Church was most definitely Catholic.

As for the Notre Dame incident just maybe karma in that England was wrongly invaded in the fraudulent name of the Church by William in 1066 and now France is enthusiastically again going along its dodgy hypocritical path of pretending to follow the Church while actually wanting ‘Secularism’ ( the Church can mean whatever megalomaniacs like Napoleon and Macron want it to mean ).Then trying to put Europe under the rule of that dodgy ideology from Napoleon to now Macron obviously helped by stasi Merkel.

As for May no surprise that she’s never made the case that Anglo Saxon England was a Catholic based nation but fiercely independent and seperate from the Continent and should return to such.Which would obviously be difficult with a Head of State sworn to and descended from the exact opposite.On that note check out the comments out there which say that Macron would probably prefer to rebuild the place as a Mosque to suit his own agenda in that regard.Probably while May and Merkel applaud from the side lines.