Eu referendum whats your vote

Ok, I’ve been at work and have been away from this forum for a few days. Did I miss anything?
Apparently not. The EU granted the UK an extension, and Parliament thought, ‘OK, we’ve bought some time, what’ll we do? Hey! Let’s go on holiday’.

Yes, I know there are set dates for parliamentary recess, and Brexit wasn’t meant to drag on this long, but, given that our MP’s were only debating the biggest disruption to our economy and standards of living in generations, and given that with Brexit there’s a fixed deadline to work towards, shouldn’t they have at least made an effort to resolve it? Or at least use every available day to TRY to resolve it?

They are members of Parliament after all, and WE put them there. They knocked on doors, smiled, shook hands, made promises, blah, blah, blah, and people then made the effort to leave their house and cast their vote for them. They made their career choice and it seems now that they don’t want to accept the consequences of that career choice.

Do MP’s think they don’t have enough time at home with the family? Aye, if so, why don’t you come on to TruckNet and complain about that, we’re all ears.

It’s looking (just an opinion) that Brexit isn’t going to happen, and to be honest I don’t want it to happen, but I’m not happy about that.
In a free and fair vote the People said ‘Leave’. They are going to feel betrayed if it doesn’t happen.

It’ll be for the best if it doesn’t happen, but the point is that we allegedly live in a Democracy. What is the point of voting if the vote is casually ignored?

Whatever the outcome of Brexit, damage has been done. It doesn’t matter if (or why) you voted ‘Leave’ or ‘Remain’, the divisions are going to be with us for years to come.

Well done David Cameron you spineless ■■■■■■■■■■■■■. By trying to sort out the squabbles within your Party you ■■■■■■ up the country. (by the way, what’s he up to these days, he’s keeping a very low profile)