Eu referendum whats your vote

> cav551:
> I hope I am wrong but as I have all along, I still predict massive violence if the electorate are betrayed by the politicians.

That is the worrying thing CAV - Brexit has always been the baby of the more Violent tendencies & sympathies - you only have to read many of the posts on this thread or the Right-wing press: Sun, Mail etc…

Hopefully - whatever the outcome the Majority in Britain will come together for the common good & keep the violent minority at bay

Now the Euro Federalists ( call them what they really are nothing to do with left v right ) want to re write history by suggesting that Benn’s and Shore’s supporters were the violent tendency of the Labour Party. :unamused:

As for coming together history shows that there can be no coming together of the ideological difference between Nationalist v Federalist more often than not having to be settled by force.The problem in this case being that the Head of State and her forces are on the Federalists’ side not that of the Nationalists.Which is why Heath wasn’t arrested on the orders of the Queen for treason choosing instead to grant Royal Assent to the European Communities Act.It’s also why the forces haven’t acted,regarding the wannabee undeclared De Jure superstate of the EU,illegally trying to hijack the established National protocols,which apply between the legitimate internationally recognised de Facto states of Eire and UK.Also claiming the Irish side of that border as its own and illegally trying to dissolve those protocols as part of that.

As for the Mail isn’t that since recently just another pro EU Federalist propaganda outlet ?.