Check and Use Your Trailer Brake



the maoster:
Are we really at the stage where everyone doing whatever their job is needs to be spoon fed instructions on exactly how to do their job?

That’s exactly how it is nowadays mate unfortunately.
I often laugh when I hear ‘‘Can’t do that, had no training’’. :smiley:
It’s the exact opposite end of the spectrum now to when we started when as a yong lad you were given keys to a motor with a strange gearbox and a flat trailer with 3 sheets rolled up, and sent to load sheet and rope up the thing in a ‘‘Just get on with it’’ scenario.
It’s a good thing that things have changed in that respect but it’s got to the point where many drivers need to be told when to breathe in and out ffs, …initiative to them, is just a word that they can’t spell.

As for this case…I don’t know the full circumstances, and it’s a tragedy that this lad has lost his life, but it proves that all this modern micromanagement b/s does not always work, and that accidents will always happen whatever.

Another cringeworthy rant. I think you’ll find most places now have a safe system of work for each bit of equipment. Deviate from it and it’s a disciplinary.

So ‘can’t do that, not trained’ is a perfectly reasonable response from a driver.

When is it you retire pal? :unamused:

Thanks for reminding me to clarify things for those that are a bit thick…pal. :wink: …you caught me out there.
It wasn’t a rant, I was merely pointing out how things have changed from one extreme to the other, to maybe a bit too far, and despite that tragic accidents still happen.

Next time instead of your usual predictable (non content) crticism/sound bite comments, of everything everybody posts, try actually reading and digesting them before you jump. :bulb:

Oh yeh, maybe about 10 years, if you’re really interested that is. :neutral_face: