Eu referendum whats your vote



The U.K. is leaving the EU,not Europe,the UK inhabitants are European citizens as long as the UK is part of Europe.


Not so David. British citizens are only citizens of the EU as long as Britain remains an EU member state. Once that position changes next March we no longer have the right to free travel or residence in the EU. Or maybe to work here, unless some agreement is reached beforehand.

In practice of course, because of Schengen, nothing much will change as there are no or very little checks on internal borders, but the fact remains we will be truly foreigners in the countries we have called home for many years. We may be tolerated, that is up to each individual country, but the only safe way to remain is to either seek citizenship or a permanent residence, but both involve mountains of paperwork and, in the case of the former, going back perhaps a hundred years.

Otherwise we may be turned out, to return to Blighty, if enough of us are forced to do that, and by that time in a parlous financial state because of Brexit, a massive burden on the British state and its NHS and social services. What a wonderful laugh on all those who brought all this about in order to ‘control their borders’ and prevent dependant immigration. :laughing: :laughing: