Tommy Robinson, saint or sinner?




EDL and BNP continue to split the Right vote though. The Conservative Party does too, of course! :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s the whole point, by alienating them (and without saying so presumably finding them distasteful) UKIP won’t benefit from their votes, i had hoped Batten would have realised this by now, petty differences between the patriotic votes are meaningless, we really are in the situation where my enemy is my enemy’s enemy.

Oh and unless the Tories carry out Brexit in a meaningful way, they’d better be ready to be in the opposition for the next 3 terms at least, by which time Labour will have garnered enough votes from their new best mates to be the permanent govt.
Their only hope is to sack useless May, elect a leader worth the time of day and remove us from the EU in pretty short order, if they fail to do so they are dead.

I don’t get the stupid premise which the country seems to be going along with that the Cons predictably won’t deliver Brexit so let’s put Labour in instead that will fix it. :confused:

Let alone the lack of realisation among the Tommy Robinson supporter vote that they need to do whatever it takes to help UKIP beat the Cons and Labour and in this case that obviously means deferring to UKIP as required.Not moaning and whingeing about taking their ball away because they aren’t by necessity getting the invites to the party or place at the table that they’d ideally like.On that note it’s clear that Batten carries none of the arguably wavering baggage of Farage so what’s the bleedin problem with backing him unconditionally bearing in mind that realistically Batten and UKIP are the country’s only and last chance.