Tommy Robinson, saint or sinner?

I can see where you’re coming from there, but I like to hold a bit more faith in my fellow countryfolk than to just write them all off as being “idiots, behaving like idiots, easily fooled by idiots - all the time”.

Social Media has brought a flood of information, mis-information, and downright lies to public scrutiny. Our ability as individuals now lets us all decide more than ever before “Who do we follow”?

The time for “Third Party Parties” is surely coming to an end?

I’m talking about an end to “Altruism” over “Goodwill” and “Mass Hysteria” instead of “Faith” or even “Indoctrination” over “Education”.

If people of whatever political persuasion have one thing in common - it is their own very personal agenda. I don’t see many apologists giving up those very things they like to preach against in public for example… Phone masts near schools “I’ve just gotta take this…” or “Chemtrails” (off on holidays by plane are we?) or “Remain” (Did you have to pay a 20% premium for that German car?) or even “Animal Rights” (Halal Slaughter by your buddies OK by you is it?)

People’s opinions are becoming more fragmented, and I suggest we all now have political “faceted profiles” rather than just are simply "Left or “Right” or “Centerist” any longer.
It is way beyond even a “Spectrum” in the proverbial “Visible Light” sense at least. Perhaps the wider “Electromagnetic” context might be a better anology of where we stand now…
Instead of “Hard Left”, we’ll have “Infra Red”. Instead of “UKIP” we’ll have “Ultra-Violet”. There are a lot of invisible bands way beyond those of course, with Microwaves being longer (“lefter”) than Infra Red, which will boil your organs if you let them… Or X-rays being way shorter (“Righter”) than Ultra Violet - that can see right through us all!

I, as what would formerlly be called a “RIght Winger” have a “Left” facet to me! - I am against “Unfair Capitalism”, and think like Tony Benn did that “Banks should all be nationalized permanently, and be made to serve the public, rather than any shareholders”… I have (an albeit shrinking) Centerist aspect: “We should all be able to live in peace and harmony without fear nor favour”… But I don’t have any “Faithless” aspects at all. Perhaps there lies the key for future politicians of any popularity then? - To create a political order that the public can actually believe in?

“Don’t believe in ‘Church and State’, and everything they tell you. Believe in me - I’m with the high command!”
(Mike and the Mechanics, “Silent Running”)