South Wales Hauliers sixties and seventies onwards (Part 1)

pete 359:

Andrew, that’s a nice photo of Pontlottyn’s TM. I never saw that one in the flesh. They bought a T reg with a V6 Detroit new, but it was only used on day work in the pit’s. That was a dark red with a black steel Withey body on it iirc. They did buy a bunch of second hand TMs with the 500 engine with muck shifting bodies again only used on the pits. They had two Foden 8 wheelers and a ex coalboard Sed Atki on tonnage. They ran a load of 4 wheel TKs 381s again all on the pits. They kept a well maintained fleet, many of their employees were long serving from Colin and Clive’s Grandfather’s days when they also ran coaches taking local colliers to and from work.
Last I heard Colin was still running a few trucks.

I remember being told they bought Blue Line, hopefully they had some good years before the decline of British Steel and British Coal.
