Salisbury alleged Russian connection [Merged]

In 2018, with HD cameras for under a ton - we should all adhere to the old argument “If it’s not a clear and present picture on a clear and present alleged danger - then it didn’t happen!”

There’s no footage of perps leaving the scene, no suggestion that M15 protected the Skripals in any way - they were just an ex-asset to be spent, for more than what their now zero value would get them otherwise.

The conclusions were drawn far to quickly - naming Russia as the only suspect, and “highly likely” culprit in less than 72 hours.

Boris failed to use this opportunity to bring down the prime minister, and replace her. He’s been bought already, and was probably only feigning to be her “rival” all along, hence stepping down when someone, anyone happened to cough during the previous leadership campaign.

There’s motives for rubbishing Russia right now, but no motives for Russia rubbishing themselves with such a bungled “assassination attempt”, when we’re talking about a President with a huge mandate, a President who’s Ex-KGB, and the machine since the 70’s that could walk past someone in a stairwell, and have them drop dead from apparent natural causes - no suspicions at all.
What statement or manifesto would Russia want to write - by attacking such a soft target, when there were hundreds of more worthy targets to pursue, IF Russia had a policy of “get rid of all exiled dissidents” if that, indeed - was the agenda here.

Are we ever going to see the Skripals again, or will they now be quietly bumped off, bodies destroyed, and the rest of us told “They’ve emigrated to a remote place on the other side of the world, under new identities”. FFS M15 could and should have done that for them a long time ago, if they were seen to be in that much danger - surely?

My guess is that the government will lean on and/or eliminate as many people as need be to bury this story forever. I can’t see the scandal ever breaking, without not only bringing down the government - but rendering the Conservatives unelectable - even under a new leader. Therefore, any would-be Theresa May successors - are going to “disappear off the radar” right now. Just like Jacob Rees Mogg and Michael Gove seem to have done since the Salisbury story broke.

They won’t know it was all for naught - until the next election, when people like myself who barely kept them in office last year - decide that they’ve had enough ■■■■■■■■ from the ruling party to last a lifetime, and prefer someone like Corbyn wasting someone else’s money other than the British Taxpayer’s as a by then, - viable alternative to the “regular” shenanigans.

Whilst I’m not ready yet to vote Labour for the first time in my life - I can safely say with all available data at present - I won’t be voting Conservative for some time to come. I’m disgusted at all of them now, including people like Gove and Jacob Rees-Mogg for not getting the knife out in what will turn out to be the Tory’s darkest hour. Let’s hope it doesn’t go on to be the nation’s darkest hour since the last one - as well! If the EU get their way with the UK - the UK won’t exist in a decade’s time. We will be “absorbed” the same way Octavian’s Rome “Absorbed” Cleopatra’s Egypt.