Long Departed Southampton Hauliers (Part 1)


Clipping from a 1979 magazine.

Click on page once for larger view.

Spot the difference between the 2 pictures !

Some good responses,though Charlie is obviously approaching it from a pecuniary angle-5t scrap ally has to be worth a few shillings!
& Buzzer-don’t know if he’s coming or going & I think Suedehead is confusing front wheel drive & rear wheel drive ! Pete: close but no cigar !

Whilst the UK was limited to 32T Gross,20T was the normal payload.However this vehicle operated at 38T carryied 25T by loading 10T on the rigid,15T on the trlr (which was loaded using another unit) & hitching up in the dock.Initially a lot of it’s work was 25 T rubber from Fawley’s Butyl plant to various Michelin & Pirelli factories in Italy reloading 25T chemicals for Romsey w/hse from Turin. It was underpowered & often the “tail wagged the dog”. Thorersen was the preferred ferry crossing as reversing onto the Dragon or Leopard required special skills, patience & several spare pairs of underwear!
The fact that the combined outfit had 48ft of combined bed space also made it attractive for certain light traffics
With the advent of 38T,the advantage ceased & the vehicle reverted to being a 16T 4 wheeler-albeit in it’s solo roll somewhat overpowered!