Suttons Tankers Dispute

Janis, we don’t advertise. I still feel we get good drivers by recommendation. Occasionally it goes wrong, but less than when we advertised.

These ‘Top jobs’ that everyone mentions,…
Lads who I have spoken to over the years with maybe not ‘Top jobs’ but let’s say the better end of the market jobs with better pay, pay structures, and general conditions, (and I may be generalising here because no doubt there will be exceptions) as if by magic all seem to be firms where the drivers are in a Union collectively, and where the Unions negotiate rather than try and dictate…as it should be.

So all the bandwagon riders and jumpers, who bad mouth them should maybe consider that fact for a minute.
I personally work for a firm where there is a vast potential to change policies, terms and attitudes towards drivers, but I know it will never happen because there is no union with either a small ‘u’ or Trade Union presence, so the [zb] goes on, which is a pity.

I think there is maybe one of ours in a Union, so its fair to say unions don’t bother my pretty little head . I think we are at the better end of the job market, will never be at the top end as a small firm we simply don’t have the clout.

If the lads want to join a union, they are welcome to. But it wouldn’t change their terms and conditions, mostly because as you can imagine, if I can be awkward with a customer, what would I be like with an outsider telling me what to do. And what could they do, nothing. Well they could go on strike, but then I’d probably go on strike the day they got back. I suspect there’d be little sympathy with the wage dept not working. :wink: