

Comment worthy of a 14yo.
How about if you refrain from advising me what country is good for me and what isn’t for a change?

In your first post on this thread you advised the OP not to go to Canada and go to work for Stobart. Do you see the double standard there?

I see it and I will say to you in my official capacity of internet policeman, if you’re going to dish it out, expect to take it in return.

Now with my police helmet back on it’s peg, I’ll say this to you, I think you’re nothing more than a troll, you say you want advice about Canada, yet you ask your questions after posting negative things about the work over here, the time away from home etc, I’m not alone in spotting the passive aggressive nature of your posts, which is why you get the responses you receive.

If you base your decision on financial comparisons then you do need to do your research. You will get at least 10,000miles per month at whatever cpm rate you get at your chosen company, so you have a rough idea of your take home pay, search the rental adds for accommodation in that area, look at the cost of used cars, go online at a grocery store and do an online shop to find out the costs involved, do this for all the things you need to live and subtract it all from your estimated take home pay and that will answer the questions about finances. It’s quite simple.

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